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Notes on PERSON:
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Notes on PERSON:
Title Federal Registration Act abbreviation BMG-ArtFederal law scope of application: Federal Republic of Germany
Az: 52-1956-B-Birth Register as own family name
PERSON to be registered as the right of use of the LICENSOR - here explicitly the Federal Republic of Germany within the scope of the Federal Registration Act
according to contract no.: BPA-203533826 PEIFER,GERHARD/GERMAN
Article 7,10,11 EGBGB, Art [19/III GG]
generated via a certified excerpt from the birth certificate 52/1956 by a registrar and the reference from §21(3)Ziff5PStG.
Art. 10-Name in conjunction with Article [27 GG uniform merchant fleet]
(1) The name of a person is governed by the law of the country to which the person is a national.
PEIFER,GERHARD/DEUTSCH belongs to the owner Federal Republic of Germany and is to be left to the owner and authorized user in this form to use the legal capacity as an authorized representative and owner in this FORM, otherwise there is no legal capacity of the natural person due to the deletion of §6 BGB.
Section 6 of the German Civil Code – deleted since January 01.01.1992, 1 [1992. January XNUMX]
[1. January 1975–1 January 1992
Disenfranchisement is deprivation of legal capacity.
Process capability basically coincides with business capability.
According to § 52 ZPO, the process capability is based on the legal capacity.
Art. 7 EGBGB-legal capacity and legal capacity
(1) A person's legal capacity and capacity to contract are subject to the law of the country to which the person belongs.
Art. 11 EGBGB form of legal transactions
(1) A legal transaction is formally valid if it meets the formal requirements of the law applicable to the legal relationship forming its subject matter or of the law of the state in which it is carried out.
4) A legal transaction by which a right to a thing is established or such a right is disposed of is formally valid only if it satisfies the formal requirements of the law applicable to the legal relationship forming its subject.
An explicit form representation under PEIFER,GERHARD/DEUTSCH is therefore mandatory and required by law
If the Latin spelling of the name results from a civil status document or from another public document of the home country of the person concerned (e.g. passport), this spelling is decisive, Art. 2 Para. 1 NamÜbK and A 4.2 PStG-VwV. If such a card is available, a transliteration is ruled out (BGH, NJW-RR 1994, 578, 580; Senate, decision of April 4, 2000 - 1 W 8107/99 - BeckRS 2000, 04351
According to Art 19/III GG, the essence (transliteration or transcription) may not be changed, and the spelling is fundamental rights.
Owner and Beneficiary/Licensee
Human, natural person with his own surname, transliterated according to German law: Peifer, Gerhard, born on: September 12, 1956,01, 30:6 a.m., residence as licensee in address: Felsenkirchstraße [55743], [ XNUMX] near IDAR-OBERSTEIN(country).
In order to fulfill the contract, the licensee himself expects to be accountable as the owner (legal entity) to act on the prescribed legal object.
It is pointed out that no liability can be assumed for the LICENSED OBJECT without being accountable for the license and that liability is transferred to the actual managing director and their ID card PERSONS.
In particular, reference is made to Article 11 EGBGB:
Art 11 EGBGB form of legal transactions
(1) A legal transaction is formally valid if it meets the formal requirements of the law applicable to the legal relationship forming its subject matter or of the law of the state in which it is carried out.
(2) If a contract is concluded between persons located in different countries, it is formally valid if it satisfies the formal requirements of the law applicable to the legal relationship forming the subject of it, or of the law of one of these countries.
(4) A legal transaction by which a right to a thing is established or such a right is disposed of is formally valid only if it satisfies the formal requirements of the law applicable to the legal relationship forming its subject.
Other legal regulations
The spelling of the name is also subject to the statute on the name (BGH, NJW 1993, 2241, 2242; Senate, decision of September 30, 2014 - 1 W 519/13 - MDR 2014, 1397; Hepting/Hausmann, in: Staudinger, BGB, 2013 , Art. 10 EGBGB, para. 54), which also includes the use of certain characters (Senate, resolution of August 8, 1995 - 1 W 6425/94 - StAZ 1996, 301, 302).
In applied linguistics, transliteration (from Latin trans 'over' and litera (also littera) 'letter') describes the letter-true transfer of words from one script to another (e.g. Greek φ as ph, Runic ᛜ as ng) .
In applied linguistics, transliteration means the letter-true transfer of words from one script to another.
To sign
The signature with the surname sufficiently individualizes the signer (issuer of the document), only the first name is not sufficient (Federal Court of Justice, October 25, 2002 – V ZR 279/01, I.4.b.aa). In legal transactions, the surname and not the first name is used to distinguish a person (BGH loc. cit.).
§ 12 BGB right to a name
If the right to use a name is disputed by another person or if the interest of the person entitled is injured because another person uses the same name without authorization, the person entitled can demand that the other person remove the impairment. If further impairments are to be feared, he can sue for injunctive relief.
In order to ensure accountability between the owner and the user, attention is drawn to the fact that every owner of a public document within the scope of the Federal Republic of Germany is obliged and entitled not to impair the use of material rights and not to use other obligations without authorization.
TitleFederal Registration Act-Abbreviation:BMG-Type:Federal Law
Scope:Federal Republic of Germany
Art. 10 EGBGB name
(1) The name of a person, here PEIFER, GERHARD is subject to the law of the state, here Federal Republic of Germany, which owns the license and the user has litigation authority to conduct the process as the correct party in his own name. This authority is usually granted to the owner of the right (signatory), here Peifer, Gerhard
by P eifer, Gerhard aR
PS: No liability is accepted for other obligations/persons who are not insured. especially since the owner would make himself liable to prosecution. The dignity of the owner with his own surname and the use of the LICENSE PERSON, whose essence cannot be changed, must be respected.
Thank you Peifer from Gerd

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