MARKmobil Aktuell - Trump sets the course
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Trump brought another 2 thing: he announced the end of World War II through Corona.

Is he mischugge now? It should be the 3rd World War. No, many do not understand. WW2 was just a breach of the Versailles armistice. World War I is still pending as far as a peace treaty is concerned.

But first to us Germans. We are used to following the press and not wanting to accept our values.

The figure of 7.000 euros / month that every German is entitled to fits in with this. Well, you always have to keep purchasing power in mind. 7.000 euros at a bread price of 10.000 euros are not really good numbers. With today's purchasing power, old-age and child poverty would be gone.

People don't have to pay taxes. That was also the case in the German Empire. If you have to give up more than 10% of your hands to work, that is slavery and human trafficking.

I recommend the book in this context.

If you think further now, you ask yourself: wait a minute, I have to pay taxes without end ... yes, you have to. The trick used is really groundbreaking. If that ever comes out…. so I'm glad not to work in public service.

One can now hope that there will finally be global peace and that the emergency will be ended.

In addition, the following message came in, also interesting in the context ...

⚠ The following companies were DELETED from the commercial register:

🚫 ALL Deutsche Bank branches
🚫 Rhein-Main Jobcenter GmbH (Frankfurt aM)
🚫 Job center Wiesbaden
🚫 Job Center Worms
🚫 Job center Magdeburg
🚫 Job Center Haßfurt

🚫 SCHUFA Berlin
🚫 SCHUFA Bremen
🚫 SCHUFA Munich
🚫 SCHUFA Neumünster
🚫 SCHUFA Wiesbaden
🚫 SCHUFA Dusseldorf
🚫 SCHUFA Cologne
🚫 SCHUFA Saarbrucken
🚫 SCHUFA Mannheim
🚫 SCHUFA Stuttgart
🚫 SCHUFA Dortmund
🚫 SCHUFA Hamburg
🚫 SCHUFA Hanover
🚫 SCHUFA Frankfurt aM

What's going on 😳

⚠ check yourself:

It doesn't look any better at Postbank either ...

Oh yes, you will meet many people who think this is all nonsense and nonsense. Maybe just because they benefit from your enslavement, directly or indirectly?

Who needs an all-round knowledge, because he has been ripped off for years:

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