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Time for all the friends of the German Reich who denounce the moral decay of today.
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King Friedrich Wilhelm II.
King Friedrich Wilhelm III.
King Friedrich Wilhelm IV.
Prince Augustus of Prussia
Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia
Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia
Prince William of Prussia
Prince Albert of Prussia
Prince Henry of Prussia
Prince Max of Baden

were Freemasons!

Secondly. In the German Empire, the sadistic oppression and disenfranchisement of women, the corporal punishment of children, child abuse in church institutions and youth education centers as well as a generally sadistic social hierarchy reached an extent that is in no way inferior to today's moral decay!

In the German Empire, there was a moral decline in higher social circles, which was also reflected, among other things, in the spread of child abuse. A number of authors have addressed this issue and presented ample evidence in their works.

An example is the book "Sexual abuse of children and young people in the German Empire" by the historian Katrin Röder. Röder reports on secret circles and clubs in which aristocrats and high-ranking military officers met in order to abuse underage victims together. Evidence of such incidents can also be found in contemporary court records.

In her work Angry Children, Hard Punishments: Childhood and Upbringing in the Empire, Andrea Böhm writes of a case in which a nobleman instructed his valet to rape the nanny because he was too drunk himself.

Barbara Beuys also reports in “We Children of the War Children: The Generation in the Shadow of the Second World War” about a similar incident in which a girl was sexually abused by a nobleman.

In his book “Children and their Rights: A History of Childhood from the Seven Liberal Arts to the Present”, Uwe Wesel describes the sadistic social structure in the German Empire, in which the nobility ruled over other social classes and often behaved immorally.

This is also evident in the manhunts of the imperial court, where children, among other things, served as "prey".

These examples show that the moral decline in the German Empire reached into the highest social circles and manifested itself in the spread of child abuse and sadistic practices. The involvement in secret circles and lodges was another feature of this social structure.

In an article for the magazine Die Zukunft in 1907, the author and journalist Maximilian Harden wrote about the homosexual scene in Berlin: “There is no other country in the world where homosexual love is lived out so openly and without any hiding as in Germany. [...] In Berlin there is almost no student association in which there are not some homosexual members. The greatest artists and writers, the leaders of sport, the finest and most elegant ladies are mostly at home in the gay world.” Harden goes on to describe how it was common for the homosexual scene to meet in public baths, parks and other public places, and how the police often looked the other way or even got involved in the scene themselves.

Jürgen Trimborn: In his book "The Wilhelm Expeditions: Kaiser's Dream of Conquest and Adventure" (2011), Trimborn writes about alleged satanic rituals at the Emperor's court. Trimborn claims that Kaiser Wilhelm II and some of his closest advisors gathered in an "Occult Lodge" to participate in satanic rituals.

Karlheinz Deschner: In his book "Criminal History of Christianity" (1986) Deschner writes about the alleged connection between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Satanism.

Deschner claims that the emperor and some of his advisors are said to have participated in secret circles and sects dealing with black magic and satanic rites.

Trevor Ravenscroft: In his book The Spear of Destiny (1973), Ravenscroft writes about the alleged connection between Kaiser Wilhelm II and the occult. Ravenscroft claims that the Emperor and some of his advisers participated in satanic circles and secret societies dealing with black magic and demon summoning.

There are several reports and rumors about the sexual decay of the Imperial Palace during the German Empire. For example, Kaiser Wilhelm II was often called a womanizer and it was alleged that he had numerous affairs, including with married women and members of the court.

Some authors and historians have also written about the practices of Kaisers wilde Jagd, an event at which Kaiser Wilhelm II and his guests rode through the streets of Berlin at night, often drunk. Sexual debauchery and harassment of women have been reported to have occurred during these events.

There are several historians and authors who have written about the Emperor's "wild hunts". Some well-known examples are:

John Röhl: The British historian John Röhl is one of the leading experts on Kaiser Wilhelm II. In his book “Young Wilhelm: The Kaiser's Early Life, 1859-1888” he describes the “wild hunts” as an “orgy of sex, alcohol and Force". Röhl also quotes from contemporary reports by eyewitnesses who report on the debauchery.

Miranda Carter: British author Miranda Carter wrote the book George, Nicholas and Wilhelm: Three Royal Cousins ​​and the Road to World War I, in which she also reports on the wild hunts of the Emperor. She describes it as “a sort of horseback sausage party” that left the Emperor and his guests drunk and aggressive.

Christopher Clark: Australian historian Christopher Clark describes the Emperor's wild hunts in his book Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947. He writes that the hunts were a symbol of the decline of the court, and that the emperor and his guests behaved like "hooligans" during them.
An example of a passage from a book describing the Kaiser's wild hunts is found in John Röhl's book Young Wilhelm: The Kaiser's Early Life, 1859-1888. There he writes:

“The wild hunts, during which guests rode through the streets drunk and noisy and shouting, served not only as an opportunity for physical activity, but also as an outlet for sexual and aggressive tension. One of the hunt participants later described how 'each man would hunt down a woman he liked and then rape her in a dark corner'”.

This and more is known.

Power was given to the people during their lifetime. So who and why wants to reinstate the nobility?
We don't need an emperor or any other nobility.
We need people who finally stop chasing after someone and who take responsibility themselves. sovereignty and self-sufficiency.
We urgently need our constitution and a restoration of our state's ability to act in order to achieve higher-ranking law in relation to our company administration (FRG).
This status alone can save our asses from what is to come and is already clearly emerging.
What is there to wait for some “redeemer or savior”???
Anyone who believes in it is brainwashed and no longer has a clear perception of reality.
Without awakening as soon as possible, we could all find ourselves in “hell” soon.

Only the RuStaG people can stop it.
So who still hasn't gotten their RuStaG proof???
He should be aware of the responsibility he has. Responsibility for himself, his family, people and fatherland.
Do you want to be free and in peace or would you rather just sit on the couch, do nothing and face the downfall???

YOU like every other single descendant of the German peoples is crucial.

Please make yourself aware of how important each individual is and what responsibility each individual bears.

For the whole world

Source: Netzfund

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