The International Peace Proclamation The international peace proclamation
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By Anna Von Reitz - translated from: roland.

It was a sunny summer day and it was unusually quiet. The constant hum of traffic on the nearby street was silent. James Clinton Belcher sat at the old maple table, his hands resting on the shiny surface for a moment. The late sun fell through the tall windows, casting a warm golden glow on the scene. It was a historic moment: the official end of the American Civil War.

In fact, the last shot of the Civil War fell in a strange place - the Bering Sea. It was fired from the CSS Shenandoah, the last Confederate warship, more than a year after Lee surrendered in Appomattox.

Officially, however, the war was not over because of both British deception and public chaos. The Federation states were not in session after four years of unrest and public dangers, and the remaining Federation officers, a handful of men scattered from Maine to Mississippi, faced a daunting task.

Their job was to restore the country's civilian government.

The number of Federation officers was small to begin with, and after the Civil War their numbers were further decimated by age, deaths, and illnesses that affected their ability to travel and communicate. The situation was made even more difficult by false assumptions about her and her role.

The average American had either never known the role of the confederation or, in the jumble of semantic confusion about “the federal government” and the usual designation of the Union army as “federal army” and its troops as “federal troops”, had forgotten.

In truth, the Confederation was not involved on either side of the Civil War, and the handful of beleaguered federal officials who had to run the business were largely mistaken for bureaucrats associated with the Lincoln-Johnson administration.

Nothing could be further from the truth. These Federation officials were enemies of Lincoln - not because they advocated slavery, not because they fought for the Confederation - but because Lincoln was a lawyer who used semantic deception to gain a position of power over this country and the American people.

Because of this, the Federation and its officers were on guard and did not see the Union's victory as a sure reason to celebrate. Lincoln's death and the Dear code, issued by his Executive Order of him as Commander in Chief, left control of the country to the Union Army. They feared a military junta, partly because they expected draconian reprisals against the common people across the south, and partly because a military takeover could easily undermine the legitimate civilian government they were responsible for restoring.

Their fears were fully justified.

In the spring of 1865immediately after learning of the armistice, made two federal officials, an older man named Benjamin Belcher and his son, who was also named Benjamin, set out from her home in newly proclaimed West Virginia for the District of Columbiawhere to go with President Andrew Johnson met. They reported about their fears for the country. Johnson agreed with them and promised to do what he could.

Johnson did what he could by proclaiming "Peace in the Land" in three public proclamations on May 10, 1865, April 2, 1865, and August 20, 1865. This was a public contract that promised peace, but no actual peace treaty that ended the war; Johnson had neither the ability nor the authority to do this, and neither did his administration.

This first had to be decided by the state assemblies.

The remaining federal officials began preparations for the reconstitution of the states of the Union.

In the fall of 1866, Benjamin Belcher sent two of his younger sons to Washington, DC to pick up the Great Seal of the State.

They traveled lightly and on horseback and carried out their mission unmolested until they were on their way home. A squad of poorly disguised henchmen from the Union Army attacked them, stole the Great Seals and left the elder son deadwhile the younger fled west for his life on a horse he had captured in the scuffle.

We know from this younger son how these events came about.

The remaining Federation officers were gunned down one by one, and so the actual states were never called to a meeting againand America fell into a daze of confusion and deception and armed occupation by its own bought and paid forces.

Besides, America turned into one State of eternal, never-ending war displaced because those with the reputation and authority to end the conflict “could not be found”.

The disloyal and often ignorant officers of the Union Army and their British allies ruled the world, all under the guise of law and to the sounds of Yankee Doodle Dandy. They formed their version of "the United States of America" ​​as a Scottish trading company called "The United States of America" ​​in 1868, and did the Americans immediately to British Territorial US citizens - subjects and property of the Queen.

This allowed them to do that King's Bench to import into this country and you foreign equity law to practice on our shores and otherwise “Special admiralty regulations" apply, which allowed them to pillage and rob civilians at will.

They replaced our public elections in many places with their corporate elections, they replaced the original American organizations with theirs foreign territorial economic organizations, as “States of States” actand they settled down to inundate their victims in gross breach of trust and breach of their trade treaties.

Using semantic illusions and under the guise of law, they imposed their Raj-like regime on American states and people without firing a shot. In time, only a few counties and one state would prevent them from gaining sole legislative control over that country.

In time, most Americans would forget about the Federation and the actual American government - but not all of them.

It was uniquely right and fitting that Benjamin Belcher's great-great-grandson sat down at his kitchen table and signed the International Peace Proclamation, which officially ended the American Civil War 160 years after it began.

All over this land, the sons and daughters of America have woken up and remembered who they are. They have professed their birthright as Americans, have publicly proclaimed it, and have come together to call their state meetings again.

By roll-call vote, these state assemblies have adopted a formal peace treaty to end the American Civil War and abolish slavery once and for all in all jurisdictions.

The international peace proclamation serves as an official communication to all nations, all subcontractors, agents and clients, all elected officials and officers, both foreign and domestic.

The American people have finally spoken, and the remaining Federation officials have done their duty: restoring the civilian government of this country, six generations and 160 years after the effort began.

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