Giersch also called monk salad
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Giersch was planted (planted) by monks as a salad plant. The gout or podagra, which was believed to have long since died out, but which is no longer an all too rare clinical picture today and which afflicts those afflicted by it extraordinarily, gave the plant its name. It should alleviate the pain when placed on the diseased parts of the body. She should - but couldn't. No active ingredients have been found in it that could have a medicinal or even analgesic effect. Admittedly, the fruits contain essential oils like other umbellifers, but less than some other species. Giersch can be recognized by its single or double three-part leaves and its bare, hollow stalk and, last but not least, by its typical location: weeds especially in gardens (monastery gardens) and parks. She also goes into damp forests and bushes; because she loves groundwater-moist, nutrient-rich - and especially nitrogen-rich soils. Giersch can be found all over Central Europe.

Source: Mario Pahnke, Facebook

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