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feign vb. 'invent, pretend, assume', borrowed from Latin fingere 'form, devise, invent, pretend, accept sth.' The usage follows the Latin template; 'invent' (16th century), 'pretend, simulate' (early 17th century), 'make a scientific assumption, assume.......

What kind of service does a bank like this actually bring?
What is the value of legal tender?
Who is actually performing?

Credit = Provision….of your own funds

Yes what now? Does the bank now have:

  1. Own resources?
  2. transfer or leave the loan amount?

Transfer = cashless payment
Payment = transfer of ownership
transfer of ownership = transfer of ownership of a thing

Licensing: can only be done from your own funds

🤔 let's assume the bank left the thing money...
OK? Then sentence 1 does not apply! 🤭😱

credit is loan. Just take a look….

A loan is actually a loan in kind and only concerns money! 🤣

With a loan in kind, you can give other things back. There we have BGB 607 again, the same type, quality and quantity.
That was already a topic above. ☝️

  1. If the bank provided money for a loan, this would only work if the bank had its own money.
    Where does the bank get its own money from?
    Does she print it herself?
    Or do bank employees explain that it is the customer's money?
    So not their own money?
  2. Assuming that the bank prints its own money and leaves it, a refund would be of the same type (numbers on a piece of paper), quantity (just a few digits) and quality (which would have to be clarified... what value money has now) given.
  3. The value of money is the creative use of that thing. So the work and mental power.
  4. How much labor and mental power is in a bag of rice?

I agree! meeting human needs

Source: Telegram

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