Update: The "Eternal Covenant" has now also been blown
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A very interesting discussion has broken out about the picture of the “Eternal Covenant” published in the Rustag Group.

First of all: what does the word “covenant” mean?

A President called “Kaiser” in a Republic? So res publica, public law. The DR was originally a confederation of sovereign states. We're just enjoying being in a republic in a cared-for ruler's environment.

After various constituent assemblies, kingdoms of Germany and Germany, duchies, etc., the next welfare institution, which, as an association without land rights, does not get a mandate from me.

Interestingly, the argumentation strategy then quickly turns into insults or insinuations. This is the moment of farewell to the canal.

If you then ask how such a non-state suddenly has a state library? Well, that's what she calls herself. Elon Musk's electric car Tesla apparently has nothing to do with the Nikola Tesla.

Also: isn't it the case that compulsory vaccination or vaccination laws were introduced in the German Empire?

This book has also been published. Of course, it can only be mainstream writing, which just happens to appear “appropriate” on the market. If so, can this be verified? In that case, all freedom actors who adorn themselves with the Hohenzollern would have one foot in the 3rd Reich. Especially since, if the information about the birth registry offices is correct, the family titles were already transferred to the respective registry offices at birth during the Empire. Before this event, these titles were still inherited, denoted by the italics. That was the beginning of the unspeakable debt money system or the Schwab, Klaus

Anyone who still wants to be excluded from the aristocratic money nobility can run after this league. He's more likely to be in the fief than in the allod.

“The Federation will bear the name Deutsches Reich” → commercial law (“Deutsches Reich Corporation”)

Staaten im Staatenbund → Verfassung von 1850 oder 1871?

Das hängt davon ab, ob wir uns der Indoktrination der Habsburger Interessengruppen widersetzen können und es zulassen, das hier das Sklavenspiel neu startet. Es wird immer deutlicher, dass die Bayern vollständig okkupiert wurden und in brutalster Weise gegen die Familie und jeglichen Widerstand vorgehen.

Die 1871 sind die Trojaner (bewußt & unbewußt) für dieses miese Spiel. Wird nicht entschieden NEIN gesagt und die Gemeinden kommen jetzt nicht in die Puschen, wird es wahrscheinlich darauf hinauslaufen, das die BRD ohne die sowjetische Besatzungszone von den Deep State und alles was noch im Dreck rumkreucht übernommen wird. Der Rest kann sich dann in Kooperation mit den Russen neu aufbauen und gemeinsam einen stabilen und sicheren Wirtschaftsraum bilden.

Wobei nicht zu vergessen ist, wir könnten das Spiel sofort beenden, die Rechtslage ist klar und eindeutig. Mit der 1848 kann sich jede Gemeinde sofort aus dem Rechtskreis der BRD nehmen, dem haben sie nichts entgegenzusetzen. Nur die 1871er werden jeden Fortschritt in die Unabhängigkeit verhindern und so selbst ihren Untergang einläuten.
Baumann, full wire

What is not clear to many: the House of Hochenzollern was resigned to no longer be trustees of the Germans and to take over the state tasks, which the awakened must now appropriate.

The foundations of fraud were also laid in the Empire:

With oaths and oaths, the Eternal Covenant drove people into the domination trap. Ultimately, the problem is not the system of domination but the orchestrating monetary system. The puppeteers control the puppets, not the other way around.

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