The virtual brotherhood
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There are few who terrorize and exploit this world for the sake of their personal power. Not much more will be needed to end this.

One thing is clear: it will not work with hierarchical systems, parties, associations, religious orders, etc. It is imperative that dual thinking be overcome towards a holistic consciousness. This problem does not resolve itself at the level at which it originated. We have to solve it one floor up. The name of the brotherhood cannot be given. It's "The Brotherhood".
The members know when they belong. No matter whether "male" or "female". Two-dimensional hierarchical thinkers will not even be able to recognize them. The brotherhood works. Knowledge is what binds them together.

The virtual brotherhood

Thinking is creation - a thinker lives in the world of his own conscious creation. Everything there is has been thought of beforehand. Even good and bad. Once you know how to think properly, you can magically create whatever you want at will - be it a new personality, a new environment, or a new world! The best thing to do is to start right away!

The time has come - perhaps you can see - when you must put aside all accumulated knowledge, all teachings, all religions, all authority, all outward revelations. You are just awakening to the awareness of the presence of the higher self within you, to the fact that all authority, all teachings and religions that come from any external source - however high or sacred - can no longer have any influence on you, unless they become a means by which you turn inward to your higher self, to the decisive authority in all questions, no matter what kind. So why in the past - in religion, human knowledge or in the experiences of others - for help and seek guidance that your higher self alone can give? Forget everything that has been. The past is dead. Why burden your soul with dead things? Just as much as you hold onto the past, you still live in the past and cannot have anything to do with being in itself, which lives in the ever-present now, the eternal.

Yes, I work “it” through you, because you are an expression of Me, because only through you, My quality, I can express My Self, I can BE. I AM because you are. You are because I express myself. I AM in you like the oak is in the acorn. You are ME like the sunbeam is the sun. You are a fractal, a phase of me that expresses Me. You, one of My Divine Attributes, are constantly trying to express My Perfection through your mortal personality. Get to work, it's time!

Group nature instead of hierarchy

Let's look at an anthill. It is much more complex than a skyscraper, is optimally adapted to its surroundings and very impressively organized. But who organizes the defense, the warfare, the supply of an anthill? Who is the manager of an anthill? An anthill is a living being. On the whole, it behaves much more intelligently than any of its residents. There is no scientific explanation. The thought that such a complex society can do without any management is just amazing. The Brotherhood can do that too. Incidentally, also with sisters.

All members of the brotherhood are equal - regardless of whether they are men or women. And everyone promotes the interests of the entire organization in their own way. The idea of ​​an independent “group being” next to the individualities helps to use the phenomena of strong synergies. A synergetic team uses all the skills of all members and is all the more effective, the more different the personality profiles are.

The “group nature” of the organization automatically makes it much more effective than hierarchical systems. Why? One result of the “group being” is intuition, which develops as a kind of higher communication, which in turn is based on the existence of the higher intelligence of the “group being”. Every member of a group brings the willingness to allow and accept this intuition.

The virtual brotherhood works! The more people take part, the more the “old system” dries up… .. Until it disappears without a trace like a nightmare

Enlightenment 2.0 - the new consciousness.

The Age of Enlightenment was a time for the development of reason based on the human intellect. Unfortunately, the intellect is the ego's best friend - that is why we currently have a serious ego problem, ego madmen sit in all positions of power because they have an insatiable urge for power and influence, which non-ego madmen don't even imagine can…..

It is therefore urgently necessary to activate the control instance for the ego: CONSCIOUSNESS. For this we “only” have to overcome dual thinking and learn as quickly as possible how to think holistically non-dual. The mind and even the ego will accept it - when they understand.

If one assumes that “the universe” is structured holographically and fractally and on top of that the quantum theory says that “particles” - that is, fractals of the whole - have both mass and wave properties, that is, they ARE both at the same time, then ours is also “higher” Even “part of the whole and able to grasp the overall context - not to be confused with intellectual understanding! It is “only” our inflated ego with its friend, the super-smart intellect, which stands in the way of knowledge. If you push both of them aside, you can not only notice the higher self, but also understand that this IS our real self, our real being. IT speaks to us, to our intellect, if you just want to hear it ...

I am your real being, who waits quietly and observes, not subject to time or space. I am the Eternal and I fill all space. I just wait until you have dealt with your little human follies and weaknesses, with your selfish longings, aspirations and complaints, because I know that it will come at the right time. Tired, discouraged and humble you will turn to me and ask me to take the lead - but with the premonition that I have always led you anyway. I am waiting - but while waiting I have actually guided all your ways, I have inspired all your thoughts and actions so that you can finally also consciously acknowledge me with your whole personality.

Deep in your soul - I AM. Here I am with all your joy and suffering, with your malice, your successes and your mistakes. I am in your sacrilege against your brother or against God - as you believed.

Whatever you've experienced, whether you've got lost, stepped forward, drifted sideways or flipped backwards - it was me who carried you through there. I lured you forward in the darkness through a premonition of Me. I lured you through a vision of Me in an enchanting face or in a beautiful body, in an intoxicating pleasure or in overpowering ambition.

I appeared to you in the guise of sin or weakness, greed or sophistry. I drove you back into the arms of conscience in order to let you fidget in its shadowy grip until you recognized its powerlessness and stood up full of disgust and with this new knowledge could look behind my mask. Yes, I make you do everything and if you can understand it: it is I who does everything that you do and everything that your brother does too. Because that in you and in him, that which IS, I am, my self. I am the spirit, the invigorating cause of all being, all life, the visible as well as the invisible. There is nothing dead, because I, the all-embracing One, am ALL that IS. I am infinite and absolutely unlimited.

All intelligence there is springs from My Spirit; all love that is flows out of My Spirit; all power that is there is only my will in action. The triune power that manifests as all wisdom, all love, all power - which holds all forms together and is behind and in all expressions and phases of life - this triune power is the manifestation of My Self in activity or in the state of being.

Nothing can BE without manifesting and expressing some phase of ME, who I am not only the maker of all forms, but also live inside every form, inside the human being, the animal, the flower, the stone. Inside of everything live, move and I AM and have my being. From within everyone I send out every phase of myself which I wish to express and which becomes reality in the visible world as a stone, a flower, an animal, a person.

No, there is absolutely nothing that is not a part of me, eternally guided by me, the one infinite BEING. You will soon recognize: there is no individuality separate from my individuality, and my divine being will be expressed in every personality. Yes, you will soon perceive a glimmer of my all-embracing being and let it mature into your reality within you.

There are few who terrorize and exploit this world for the sake of their personal power. Not much more will be needed to end this.

You won't find out anything about it in the mass media ... neither on Facebook.

The "awakening" of the masses will not happen. At most there is another pied piper who they will run after again without understanding ...... as always ... .. or like in Greece, a German "Tsipras" is already waiting ......

There is only one more option. This brotherhood is currently stronger than it has been for a long time ……. whether it is enough remains to be seen ...

It is the battle between the deified ego - Satanism - and the higher self, i.e. the knowledge of the “divine spark” in us. Even with high Satanists the higher self can break through, hence my theory of the "virtual brotherhood" - people where the higher self has taken command ....... They are also getting more and more and stay in satanic circles right up to the top ......

There are few who terrorize and exploit this world for the sake of their personal power. Not much more will be needed to end this.

One thing is clear: it will not work with hierarchical systems, parties, associations, religious orders, etc. It is imperative that dual thinking be overcome towards a holistic consciousness. This problem does not resolve itself at the level at which it originated. We have to solve it one floor up. The name of the brotherhood cannot be given. It's "The Brotherhood".
The members know when they belong. No matter whether "male" or "female". Two-dimensional hierarchical thinkers will not even be able to recognize them. The brotherhood works. Knowledge is what binds them together.

.... virtual brotherhood ...
... virtual brotherhood ...

The virtual brotherhood

Thinking is creation - a thinker lives in the world of his own conscious creation. Everything there is has been thought of beforehand. Even good and bad. Once you know how to think properly, you can magically create whatever you want at will - be it a new personality, a new environment, or a new world! The best thing to do is to start right away!

The time has come - perhaps you can see - when you must put aside all accumulated knowledge, all teachings, all religions, all authority, all outward revelations. You are just awakening to the awareness of the presence of the higher self within you, to the fact that all authority, all teachings and religions that come from any external source - however high or sacred - can no longer have any influence on you, unless they become a means by which you turn inward to your higher self, to the decisive authority in all questions, no matter what kind. So why in the past - in religion, human knowledge or in the experiences of others - for help and seek guidance that your higher self alone can give? Forget everything that has been. The past is dead. Why burden your soul with dead things? Just as much as you hold onto the past, you still live in the past and cannot have anything to do with being in itself, which lives in the ever-present now, the eternal.

Yes, I work “it” through you, because you are an expression of Me, because only through you, My quality, I can express My Self, I can BE. I AM because you are. You are because I express myself. I AM in you like the oak is in the acorn. You are ME like the sunbeam is the sun. You are a fractal, a phase of me that expresses Me. You, one of My Divine Attributes, are constantly trying to express My Perfection through your mortal personality. Get to work, it's time!

Group nature instead of hierarchy

Let's look at an anthill. It is much more complex than a skyscraper, is optimally adapted to its surroundings and very impressively organized. But who organizes the defense, the warfare, the supply of an anthill? Who is the manager of an anthill? An anthill is a living being. On the whole, it behaves much more intelligently than any of its residents. There is no scientific explanation. The thought that such a complex society can do without any management is just amazing. The Brotherhood can do that too. Incidentally, also with sisters.

The holistic synergetic cooperation in groups
The holistic synergetic cooperation in groups

All members of the brotherhood are equal - regardless of whether they are men or women. And everyone promotes the interests of the entire organization in their own way. The idea of ​​an independent “group being” next to the individualities helps to use the phenomena of strong synergies. A synergetic team uses all the skills of all members and is all the more effective, the more different the personality profiles are.

The “group nature” of the organization automatically makes it much more effective than hierarchical systems. Why? One result of the “group being” is intuition, which develops as a kind of higher communication, which in turn is based on the existence of the higher intelligence of the “group being”. Every member of a group brings the willingness to allow and accept this intuition.

The virtual brotherhood works! The more people take part, the more the “old system” dries up… .. Until it disappears without a trace like a nightmare

Enlightenment 2.0 - the new consciousness.

The Age of Enlightenment was a time for the development of reason based on the human intellect. Unfortunately, the intellect is the ego's best friend - that is why we currently have a serious ego problem, ego madmen sit in all positions of power because they have an insatiable urge for power and influence, which non-ego madmen don't even imagine can…..

It is therefore urgently necessary to activate the control instance for the ego: CONSCIOUSNESS. For this we “only” have to overcome dual thinking and learn as quickly as possible how to think holistically non-dual. The mind and even the ego will accept it - when they understand.

If one assumes that “the universe” is structured holographically and fractally and on top of that the quantum theory says that “particles” - that is, fractals of the whole - have both mass and wave properties, that is, they ARE both at the same time, then ours is also “higher” Even “part of the whole and able to grasp the overall context - not to be confused with intellectual understanding! It is “only” our inflated ego with its friend, the super-smart intellect, which stands in the way of knowledge. If you push both of them aside, you can not only notice the higher self, but also understand that this IS our real self, our real being. IT speaks to us, to our intellect, if you just want to hear it ...

I am your real being, who waits quietly and observes, not subject to time or space. I am the Eternal and I fill all space. I just wait until you have dealt with your little human follies and weaknesses, with your selfish longings, aspirations and complaints, because I know that it will come at the right time. Tired, discouraged and humble you will turn to me and ask me to take the lead - but with the premonition that I have always led you anyway. I am waiting - but while waiting I have actually guided all your ways, I have inspired all your thoughts and actions so that you can finally also consciously acknowledge me with your whole personality.

Deep in your soul - I AM. Here I am with all your joy and suffering, with your malice, your successes and your mistakes. I am in your sacrilege against your brother or against God - as you believed.

Whatever you've experienced, whether you've got lost, stepped forward, drifted sideways or flipped backwards - it was me who carried you through there. I lured you forward in the darkness through a premonition of Me. I lured you through a vision of Me in an enchanting face or in a beautiful body, in an intoxicating pleasure or in overpowering ambition.

I appeared to you in the guise of sin or weakness, greed or sophistry. I drove you back into the arms of conscience in order to let you fidget in its shadowy grip until you recognized its powerlessness and stood up full of disgust and with this new knowledge could look behind my mask. Yes, I make you do everything and if you can understand it: it is I who does everything that you do and everything that your brother does too. Because that in you and in him, that which IS, I am, my self. I am the spirit, the invigorating cause of all being, all life, the visible as well as the invisible. There is nothing dead, because I, the all-embracing One, am ALL that IS. I am infinite and absolutely unlimited.

All intelligence there is springs from My Spirit; all love that is flows out of My Spirit; all power that is there is only my will in action. The triune power that manifests as all wisdom, all love, all power - which holds all forms together and is behind and in all expressions and phases of life - this triune power is the manifestation of My Self in activity or in the state of being.

Nothing can BE without manifesting and expressing some phase of ME, who I am not only the maker of all forms, but also live inside every form, inside the human being, the animal, the flower, the stone. Inside of everything live, move and I AM and have my being. From within everyone I send out every phase of myself which I wish to express and which becomes reality in the visible world as a stone, a flower, an animal, a person.

No, there is absolutely nothing that is not a part of me, eternally guided by me, the one infinite BEING. You will soon recognize: there is no individuality separate from my individuality, and my divine being will be expressed in every personality. Yes, you will soon perceive a glimmer of my all-embracing being and let it mature into your reality within you.

There are few who terrorize and exploit this world for the sake of their personal power. Not much more will be needed to end this.

You won't find out anything about it in the mass media ... neither on Facebook.

The "awakening" of the masses will not happen. At most there is another pied piper who they will run after again without understanding ...... as always ... .. or like in Greece, a German "Tsipras" is already waiting ......

There is only one more option. This brotherhood is currently stronger than it has been for a long time ……. whether it is enough remains to be seen ...

It is the battle between the deified ego - Satanism - and the higher self, i.e. the knowledge of the “divine spark” in us. Even with high Satanists the higher self can break through, hence my theory of the "virtual brotherhood" - people where the higher self has taken command ....... They are also getting more and more and stay in satanic circles right up to the top ......

The ancient Celts still knew it. The “other world” - is completely different from the “beyond” of religions. The beyond of the dual religions is a free invention to fool people into a separation from the "source" - this makes them much easier to control, because they then cut themselves off from the source with their ego.

This world and the “other world” are “ONE”. That's what really is - don't get fooled any further.

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