Devine Infinate Blessings
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I now have the 360 ​​page document entitled "Devine Infinate Blessings" from the so-called Committee of 300. This document from 2014 explains the purpose and reasons (as crazy as they are) why they became money/alpha -System control promises given by their GOD KING (Marduke) using a scapegoat named (King Anthony Santiago Martin) (ASM), also known as White Spiritual Wonder Boy, among other names given to him, as well as other dark money souls, in order to help release money in their dark monetary system.

I thank the archivists for permission to release this unredacted full document from the archives.
The message to all of you is this:
“Now comes the age of light. Wisdom and truth will forever materialize in abundance. Source of blessing for all souls and future generations!”

The human credit system for slaves is ended. We are on the precipice of a redesign of society. It is our responsibility to overcome the evils of the past by creating a future like no other in human history...Be courageous and humble, be intelligent and curious, become the manifestation of the Future Man of Abundance.

I'll upload this document this weekend! This document will serve as an understanding that Mark signifies the end of an era and the beginning of our light-based fullness.

Blessings for ALL

I now have the 360 ​​page document titled “Devine Infinate Blessings” from the so called Committee of 300. This document from 2014 explains the purpose and reasons (As crazy as they are) as to why they feel entitled to money/alpha system control promises given by their GOD KING ( Marduke) using a patsy named (King Anthony Santiago Martin) (ASM) aka White spiritual Wonder Boy among other names given, as well as, other dark money souls to help release money in their dark money system.

I thank the Archivists for allowing me to release this non-redacted full document from the Archives.
There message to all of you is as follows:
“Now comes the age of Light Forever more, wisdom and truth will materialize in abundance. Source blessings to all souls and future generations!”

The slave human credit system has ended. We are on the precipice of remaking society, it is our responsibility to transcend the ills of the past, by creating a future like no other in human history….Be Courageous and Humble, Be Intelligent and Inquizitive, Become the manifestation of the Future Human of Abundance.

I will upload this document this weekend! This document will serve as an understanding that Mark's the end of an era and the beginning of our Light based Abundance.

Blessings to ALL

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