The origin of the name VATICAN
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The origin of the name of the Vatican, the world center of the Catholic Church, is neither biblical, nor Latin or Greek. Although it may seem like a paradox of fate, the name comes from a PAGAN GODDESS named Vatika.

Apparently it was the Etruscans who built a place as a cemetery on a slope of a hill outside an ancient city that over the years would become Rome. The name of the Etruscan goddess who guarded the necropolis was Vatika.

Centuries later this hill was the site of a circus and legend has it that Saint Peter was executed there, crucified upside down and buried not far away. Constantine, the first Catholic emperor, established a sanctuary there when the place was already known as Vatican Hill.

A few centuries later, the papal palace, which was named Vatican, was built there.

Conclusion: Believe it or not, the Catholic Church has spent hundreds of years eradicating all pagan culture, and its sacred seat is named after a pagan goddess. Even if you want to hide the past ... it will always be present.

“Image of the Etruscan goddess of the underworld Vatika, who guarded the necropolis or City of the Dead, where the Vatican is now. (Altes Museum, Berlin)


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