The case of Frank Walter S.
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Something comes from something. Ukraine, and above all its President, is demanding unrestricted support from Germany. Tanks and other military equipment are ordered as in the Otto catalogue, and when the Federal President wants to pay a visit, it is said that Steinmeier is not wanted.
Wasn't it Steinmeier who, as foreign minister, first campaigned for Ukraine's accession to the EU? Wasn't it Steinmeier who praised the freedom movement on the Maidan so highly? Now he is persona non grata. Undesirable in a country that badly needs any support and should keep the ball low.
You may think what you want about what is probably the worst German president, but for the government this is more than a punch in the face. But something like that comes from something like that, when you simply uncritically show solidarity with regimes without maintaining a professional distance.
I still can't laugh about it. This government has long since become Ukraine's puppet. Selenskiy whistles and Germany dances. Yesterday, ZDF's Theo Koll confirmed that the government now feels increasingly "annoyed" by the demands of the Ukrainian Ambassador Melnyk. Some have had this feeling for weeks, but EX President Gauk once again had to show demonstrative unity when he hugged Melnyk in the Bundestag. Now there's a knife in the back from behind.
Yes, dear friends, that's what happens when you get involved in a conflict that we neither overlook nor understand. But the main thing is that we show solidarity. I call it naïve and stupid to simply choose one side based on emotional images if you don't know the actors and their intentions.
Like in Afghanistan or now in Mali. The troops are now being withdrawn because they have recognized that they are actually training terrorists. Something like that comes from something like that, when you want to play the do-gooder for the whole world, unchecked and out of sheer activism. Then you quickly find yourself between the fronts.
Even after the Steinmeier gossip, the government in Berlin has still not understood that the Ukraine wants to draw us into their war. Into a world or nuclear war. Leaders like EX General Rams are still talking about Ukraine defending our freedom. Probably just like the Afghans in the Hindu Kush who then chased us out of the country as a thank you. Naive politicians meet corrupt regimes
Now Ukraine is talking about the alleged use of banned weapons. When will this government actually understand that Ukraine will use every means to draw NATO into its war. I say get out of this conflict. No weapons or other equipment. Humanitarian aid must also be reduced to a minimum. Help yes, generous support no
Western democracy's greatest achievement is also its greatest weakness. Namely his humanity. It is used by all countries right across the border. The Good Samaritan ends up standing there naked and can't even defend himself anymore. That's exactly how it will happen. Ukraine wants Germany on its side in the war against Russia. And they give us every reason and picture we are willing to believe.
In this sense,
Your Robert Blum


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