gray white clouds

Thank you Greta…. thank's f4f!
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“Oh… Oh… slamming doors, wild screeching. Our daughter just came back from the stupid FFF truancy. She was pissed off because we didn't pick her up (in a climate-friendly way) and she had to hang out on the bus and train for a full 3 hours. With the dry but vegan soy cake (only for them, we had cheesecake) there was a surprise.

She is now allowed to take the bus to school in the morning. It's a bit stupid because it only drives every hour and she either arrives at school an hour early (which we suggested today not to heat her anymore because it still happens with oil) or appears too late .

She doesn't want to ride a bike either, because of the many mountains and inclines, and besides, it's going to be winter soon ... unless she gets an e-bike for Christmas. To my fatherly astonishment “Christmas? That’s totally anti-eco. All the colored lights and first of all the CO2 emissions from the candles! " Then came the first pre-pubescent protest, which astonishingly resembled her defiant phase between the ages of 2 and 3. And how now ... "E bike"? Has our little daughter not even seen the devastated areas that are created when extracting rare earths for the batteries?

Now she's sitting upstairs in her room, at 8 degrees. We switched off the heating because of our ecological conscience. She is probably at least warming up her fingers by typing angry emails to her friends about her “fucking parents” on the iPhone. We announced to her that she would be leaving this iPhone at 19 p.m. After all, it is irresponsible to continue to waste electricity in order to have more or less useful conversation and secondly ... see lithium production and ecological consequences.

We assured their protests against this expropriation in a calm voice that we would either send the iPhone directly to starving children in Africa or sell it and donate the financial equivalent to save the South American rainforest.

It will be really fun from Monday: We will exchange your pretty clothes for jute, wool and hemp fiber woven things. Your Nikies with plastic soles are consistently replaced by Dutch wooden treads. And if someone thinks that is satire: No, we WILL DO THIS!

If she's still screaming, she has two options:

1) to recognize which mindless eco-fascists she is lying on
2) to recognize which mindless eco-fascists she is lying on!

Thanks Greta. You have inspired us in ways that no one else would have been able to do when it comes to parenting. Mutti and I have just called up to our daughter: “We're DRIVING to Mc Donalds now, you want to go with us?” We hope the hysterical screaming has stopped when we get back. ””

Source: FB posting

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