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Then vs. Today
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A find that a reader sent me provides me with important help in assessing how much our country has changed. And which I initially thought was a fake – what I was able to read was just too unbelievable. Ironically, in the “Spiegel”, which today is one of the central organs of the red-green zeitgeist alongside “Zeit”.

The headline from 1964 reads in bold letters: "France/Algerians: Brown tide."

"Parisians hate splashing. Where a single bikini paddles in the open-air pool, it is soon surrounded and dived in by brownish swimmers. Ten, twenty Algerian hands are tugging at the closures of the bathing costume and robbing the wearer of the textile.”

The crime statistics from the 1960s would also be politically unthinkable in Germany in 2023: "The Paris police soon found themselves faced with the task of dealing with a colony of 200 Algerians, who make up only three percent of the capital's population, but on their account last year
– 32 percent of murders,
– 39 percent of car thefts and
– 58 percent of thefts involved firearms.”

"Moreover, some of the immigrants imported the habits of their homeland, which was underdeveloped in terms of sanitation, together with the diseases that were common there - tuberculosis and venereal diseases - to France."

What the former SPD MPs Helmut Schmidt or Willy Brandt said about migration and Islam would today be suspected of being Nazis and would be taboo.

It is all the more important to be aware of this - to avoid the constant brainwashing that wants to make us believe that today's conditions are normal.


God's Immigration Laws

by Bertrand Comparet,
from “The Complete Works of Bertrand Comparet”
(automatic translation)

Of these laws only the provisions of the New Testament have been set aside. The rituals and symbols embodied in them were expressions of the Israelites' belief that the Redeemer would come in the future; but when Jesus Christ came and carried out the reality these rituals symbolized, their usefulness ended. The believer could no longer say that he awaited the future coming of his Redeemer - they must be replaced by new rituals that look back on the accomplished salvation.

But the other laws of God are still in effect: YOU SHALL NOT STEAL and YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY are as important today as they were when Moses carried the tablets of stone up Mount Sinai. We do not expect to obtain our personal salvation by keeping the law; and indeed that was never its true purpose. But we expect that by doing so we will win the peace, prosperity, and good order of the community, just as we have tried to do by enforcing the laws of our city, state, and nation.

No one is to be misled into thinking that God's commandments, judgments, and statutes have been abolished through the New Testament. These are permanent laws. In Matthew 5,48:19 Jesus Christ tells us that God is perfect; of course, so are his laws. Psalm XNUMX tells us: “The law of the Lord is perfect and converts the soul; the statutes of the Lord are right and gladden the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure and gives light to the eyes. * * The JUDGMENTS of the Lord are true and perfectly just.”

Do you say, “But Christianity is all spiritual, so we abolished the law? Not so! In Romans 7:14 Paul tells us that the law is spiritual; and in Romans 3:31 he says, “Do we then void the law by faith? God forbid: Yes, WE establish the law. As our perfect God exists forever, so His perfect laws apply, for Psalm 111,7:8-5,18 tells us: “The work of His hands is truth and CORRECTNESS; all His commandments are sure. They stand firm forever and are done in truth and sincerity." And Jesus Christ himself says in Matthew 21:1.000 that not the smallest part of the law will pass away until heaven and earth pass away (and that, as we see in Rev XNUMX, only after the millennium, the triumphant XNUMX-year reign of JESUS ​​CHRIST').

Now let's look at some of these laws and what they mean for us today. Our political parties have sold our God in a wicked deal to gain support from minority groups; for the sake of temporary power and corruption they would destroy all our greatness - forever.

They demand that we indiscriminately admit the abundance of the whole world, from pagan countries that hate our God, from Asian and African countries whose populations are totally unassimilable, and which must either remain a hostile enemy bloc within our borders, or mix and destroy our own race if we mix with them. But God expressly forbids this. While it is recognized that there will be some strangers here as students, merchants, etc. to be dealt with with honesty and justice, the antichrists who hate our God are expressly forbidden to live here: God says, "They will not dwell in your land lest they sin you against me." (Exodus 2:2,33). The strangers were not to be numerous, lest they "devour the land" (Isaiah 1:7) or "the strength of the people" (Hosea 7:9) and be filled with the people's wealth (Proverbs 5:10).

Clerics 11:34 warns that if we "receive a stranger into your house, he will disturb you and drive you out of your own house."

Have you ever wondered about the long genealogies of the various people mentioned in the Bible? There was a good reason for this: her genealogy. It proved that they were of genuine Israelite blood and entitled to participate in his affairs. Citizenship wasn't awarded for two box lids and a dime to everyone who passed. Those who came from related bloodlines but not actually from Israel could only be admitted to citizenship in the third generation born in the country. Today, an immigrant rarely needs to be off the boat long enough to overcome seasickness before beginning the citizenship process. Far too little time is required for strangers from some parts of the world to truly learn our way of life: they can and do, memorizing certain things that they must be able to recite when taking their citizenship exam - but these things pertain to the mechanics of our government, not the ideals that led the Founding Fathers to use those mechanics to make us great. By God's law, those who were not closely related in race could not be admitted to citizenship, ever, even after ten generations. (Deuteronomy 23)

By breaking God's laws, we now have sizable blocks of unassimilable aliens given the choice. They hate all the ideals of this country they came to just to make more money. And now our political parties are selling the great American majority to earn the support of foreign minority groups.

According to God's law, no one of any other race may hold public office. Deuteronomy 17:19 says, “You must not put a stranger above you who is not your brother.” The translated word "stranger" is the Hebrew word "NOMRI" which means not only someone whom one has not yet met, but someone from another race. That persons of other races could attain positions of power is clearly stated as just a curse placed on us for our violations of divine law; Deuteronomy 28 says, “But it will come to pass, unless you will listen to the voice of the Lord your God to keep all his commandments and his commandments that I am commanding you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overpower you: the stranger who is with you will rise up very high above you, and you will fall very low. He will lend you and you will not lend him anything; he will be the head and you will be the tail. We have been persistently led away by certain political groups that do not even claim to represent the majority of our people, white Christian Americans, but openly represent only coalitions of minority groups. These politicians call themselves “liberals”. This, too, was known to God thousands of years ago before it happened; and He also told us their true character. In Isaiah chapter 32, the prophet tells us that the time is yet to come when the kingdom of God will be fully established and functioning as it should be; and he tells us that when the vile person shall cease to be called liberal." God bless the day!

For nearly sixty years, politicians have betrayed us, the vast majority, and sought the support of certain disloyal minorities. The result has been the enactment of policies at home and abroad that have brought us to our current position, in a war in which we must fight for our very existence. If we had obeyed God in enacting our laws and our national policies, these evils would not have come upon us. Isaiah 48 tells us: Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who guides you in the way in which you should walk, that you have obeyed My commandments! Then your peace was like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea”, (But) “There is no peace, says the Lord, for the wicked”, what wickedness? We allow evil and treacherous political considerations to supplant the laws of God, replacing them with platforms written to see who can descend to the lowest level of wickedness to buy minority votes. When will we learn that only by obedience to God's righteous laws can the peace and prosperity of God's people be won?

God's laws would stop crime:

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