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Chemotherapy for millions of people misdiagnosed
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Millions of people who have had cancer treatment in the past few decades have never had cancer, reports the National Cancer Institute. Over- and incorrect diagnoses were the reason why countless people - apart from the diagnosis shock - had to endure the terrible agony of operations, chemotherapy and radiation without actually being sick. Overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis are cited by the American Cancer Research Center as the two main reasons behind the rampant cancer epidemic.

Are cancer diagnoses cancer diagnoses?

More and more people are getting cancer. More and more people are dying of cancer. But do people diagnosed with cancer always die of cancer? Or maybe more and more aggressive cancer therapy? Yes, is it even certain that you have cancer if it is diagnosed? And is aggressive therapy always useful and necessary in such a case? Question after question - but it was better not to ask in the past if you didn't want to find yourself in the middle of the camp of conspiracy theorists faster than you could see.

It was published in September 2013 National Cancer Institute (American Cancer Research Center) in person in the prestigious journal Journal of the American Medical Association a report that examined precisely these questions.

The problem with early detection

In the last 30 years, early detection and cancer prevention have been the focus of events. Of course, the end justified the means. It was important to prevent cancer from being discovered at a late stage. And they wanted to reduce cancer mortality. However, studies show otherwise, namely that the lofty goals have not been achieved.

Because now we have a significant increase in early-stage cancers - even without the numbers in the late-stages falling. What came out of all of this is little more than that we now know how incredibly complex the disease called cancer is. And while for many people the word “cancer” is synonymous with a relentless and agonizing near end, it has long been known that cancer can go many different ways - and not all forms of cancer are fatal or form metastases. It is not uncommon for there to be cancer that accompanies a person for a whole life without developing further and without the person ever feeling or experiencing anything from it - unless they go to cancer screening.

Only describe cancer as cancer - and not precursors as well

This complexity of cancer naturally complicates early detection. But it also gives the experts the opportunity - according to the report of National Cancer Institute - use cancer screening differently. The aim should be to identify and treat only those types of cancer that are actually known to be dangerous.

Take breast cancer. What is often referred to as breast cancer is not yet breast cancer, but a so-called precancerous stage. You shorten it DCIS for ductal carcinoma in situ. It is a tissue alteration that affects millions of women and that MAY progress to cancer, but only 40 percent of the time.

Nevertheless, the affected women are told that it is a precancerous stage, which fuels unnecessary fears. And while it was not yet known which woman would develop DCIS into an invasive cancer over the next few years, all were treated in roughly the same aggressive manner.

Methods (specific blood values) are now known to be able to better assess the cancer risk from a DCIS for the individual woman. Still that is National Cancer Institute of the opinion that the DCIS is just like the HGPIN should no longer be called cancer.

HGPIN is the name of the precursor to prostate cancer and means something like high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. These are cells in the prostate that are considered highly suspect for a precancerous stage. With HGPIN, cancer therapy is started even if no cancer cells are found in a subsequent biopsy – to be on the safe side.

Cancer therapy: leading cause of cancer

However, conventional cancer therapy is still one of the main causes of cancer - and this is not the opinion of some organic guru who no one believes anyway, but that of the National Cancer Institute the American government. Of course, the institute has no choice but to advocate the usual diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, even if they are not exactly covered with fame.

Millions of people with so-called precancerous stages, which in many cases would not develop into cancer at all, have been and are being subjected to highly toxic therapies, which then ensure that those concerned actually get cancer at some point. This is how researchers at the Cancer Research Center found the University of California in LA in 2012 found that breast cancer cells (which could be treated) under radiation can change into highly malignant (highly malignant) cancer stem cells that are 30 times more malignant than the original cancer cell. It is well known that stem cells are often resistant to therapy and the reason that cancer keeps coming back, can no longer be fought and ultimately leads to death.

Questioning cancer diagnosis

When diagnosing cancer, therefore different Opinions are obtained. It is also important to insist on calling things by their names - and not calling them cancer if it is not yet. The probability with which cancer could develop from the preliminary stage must also be asked. Likewise, specific blood markers should be included in the diagnosis, which allow the cancer risk of a preliminary stage to be better assessed. In addition, it pays to choose specialists who pronounce their diagnosis with caution and who do not already lead to a diagnosis shock with fear of death in a patient with an overdiagnosis (“You have cancer!”, Although it is only a preliminary stage).

You can find more information on the widespread overdiagnosis here:

Overdiagnosis in cancer

Breast cancer: unnecessary mastectomy by mammography

Source: http://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/krebstherapie-nach-falschdiagnose.html


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