Oyster mushroom
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The mushroom is the oyster mushroom and the mycelium can be ordered from, for example, Pilz MĂ€nnchen. The nutrient medium is made from straw pellets (small animal litter) and two tablespoons of plaster of paris.

You have to feel for the amount of pellets because the pellets swell. Make holes in the buckets on the side, put duct tape, pellets and plaster in, mix well and then pour in boiling water. Cooking is important to avoid contamination! Then put a lid on it, which you have to prepare beforehand with a few holes and then make the holes with Micropor adhesive tape (plaster for burns).

The mushroom wants to breathe!

Then let the whole night cool down and the next day you can put the mushroom in. Then you have to work as sterile as possible! Make a few holes in the swollen pellets with a spoon if possible and pack the mushroom mass in there, cover it and let it grow through at room temperature. When the bucket is almost streaky, put it in the fridge for a night and then bring it back into the room. The cold shock then forces him to fruit. You can also watch some videos of “Pilz Wunder” on YouTube, everything is described very well. Experience then does the rest.

I have had my room oyster since the beginning of this year and keep reproducing it. I converted an old freezer into an incubator with a thermostat and a heating mat from the terrarium and so I always have fresh mushrooms. 😉

Source: Jan Gross



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