Everything you should know but nobody has ever told you (German)
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The “crazy one” whose predictions are being confirmed more and more. For nearly 30 years, David Icke has been pointing out that an Orwellian-style global state is emerging, with which all of humanity is to be subjugated. A small group of people would control the financial system, the governments, the media and a military police that monitored the chipped population around the clock. According to Icke, the “physical” reality is an illusion. What we understand as "the world" is actually a holographic simulation or "matrix" - created by a non-human power to keep the perception of humans in perpetual bondage. Icke was described as "crazy", "deranged" and "insane" and was covered with ridicule, abuse and rejection for decades. But in the meantime the tide has turned. Today Icke's books are read all over the world and his lectures, which he gave on several continents, are attended by thousands. How did that happen? Many of the statements for which Icke was mocked for a long time are now being confirmed in daily world affairs; more and more leading scientists are coming to the conclusion that our reality is actually a simulation. Hardly a day goes by without theses that Icke put forward a long time ago being underpinned by new findings or the news. David Icke's time has come. In a sane world, this book would be anything but explosive - but on planet earth it is.

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