3233/3234 - The bilateral banking system (part 1 and 2)
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Anna von reitz

3233 - The Bilateral Banking System Part 1. Published July 11, 2021.

Translation into German mother tongue by: Jody. With Stephan-Christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my factual-natural person is a civilian in land law with the peace obligation and outside and above COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: don't believe anything, check everything and keep the best. Breathe deeply and live well and in harmony.


Just as we lost a third of our intended government structure in the course of the civil war, we also lost half of our banking structure.

Imagine that. Most of the international commercial banks that had dominated the banking world for centuries closed their doors, and over the decades that followed, more and more of them closed their doors.

The swift first blow to the commercial banks, and then the gradual demise of the rest, was caused by a filthy military and political alliance which recognized that once commercial banks were "freed" from the "moral conscience" of public law, they were in a position to do so would do things - mostly compulsively and dishonestly - but highly profitable that the international commercial banks could never do.

Commercial banks operating under pre-Christian era global trade law can get away with anything, even things that are overtly illegal, unlawful, immoral, and reprehensible - like "securitizing" live meat and spending private debts of public sellers as "mortgages", and the pretending of living people as business - PEOPLE.

Just to name a few.

Public bankruptcy fraud schemes, special purpose vehicle bonds, whatever. If you allow the commercial banks to get away with it, they will.

By 1865, American commercial banks had a hodgepodge of incredible opportunities that were only fostered by the innocence, gullibility, and honesty of their American victims. First there were the Public Lands and Negro Citizenship scams that culminated in the first major national bankruptcy scam in 1906-07. Next they had the jackpot with FDR and its “ordination” of local citizenship as slaves, who were evidenced as PERSONS and bought and sold through clearinghouse certificates. An even more lucrative national bankruptcy scam followed in 1933-34 - and World War II, for which the same Americans were tapped under the Marshall Plan.

Americans never really learned how to deal with commercial banks because they still believed they were dealing with international commercial banks that are required to operate under public law.

The game, the rules, the identities, the legal forms, everything was changed, but no one bothered to tell the American people - leaving them helpless, confused, and with a target on their backs.

All this fraud, all this crime, all the illegal and unlawful confiscation of income and assets, all the bribery, all the political corruption has been fueled and funneled into a frenzy by the commercial banks - and they were allowed to do so because of the original bilateral banking system Wrecked 160 years ago by the Bank of England, the Bank of Scotland, and its sister banks in France, along with their insurance allies, all of which served to co-opt the American military and Belle Epoch politicians.

The men who did this to us are all long dead. The sins of the forefathers actually extended to the third and fourth generations.

We stand before the wreckage of a world economy destroyed by the devastation of commercial banks and genocide perpetrated by the same banks and insurance companies on their senior creditors - the British and the unfortunate, unsuspecting, innocent Americans. The last time it was the Jews and the Germans. Before that it was the French and Spanish.

The most succinct explanation was a cartoon from 1930, which described the current situation, quote: "The people who own your banks also own your hospitals."

We could add that thanks to the fraud spanning six generations, they also own all the major technology and media companies.

So what are we supposed to do while we're dying?
Obviously the Chinese warn that they are next.

And revive the bilateral banking system that our forefathers commissioned that could have saved us all from the misery of World War I, World War II and the targeted genocide that is now underway in America and Britain and throughout the former Commonwealth .

And dream of a world completely free from these evils, forever. Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/bilateralbankingsystem.pdf

You can find over 3200 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the need-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz: www.annavonreitz.com

You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz's contributions on the translator's Telegram channel: https://t.me/ Freiheitschmied

Anna von reitz

3234 - The Bilateral Banking System Part 2. Published July 12, 2021.

Translation into German mother tongue by: Jody. With Stephan-Christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my factual-natural person is a civilian in land law with the peace obligation and outside and above COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: don't believe anything, check everything and keep the best. Breathe deeply and live well and in harmony.


On these first forays into the actual topic, it is important to determine the story and background for the discussion, because much of it is unknown to the man on the street and is fundamental to understanding how we got into this mess in the first place.

The concept of money, meaning that a coin can “stand” for a bushel of wheat or a bale of cotton, began in Babylon thousands of years ago. This was initially a token system. The Queen of Babylon basically said, instead of moving bushels of wheat and bales of cotton around, we are going to use these little round pieces of metal embossed with an image of wheat baskets or bales of cotton to represent those things. And by royal decree, these coins will entitle the bearer to receive either a bushel of wheat or a bale of cotton from our warehouses. One wheat coin equals one bushel of wheat. One cotton coin is the same as one bale of cotton.

That's how it started.

Such token systems are still in use today, although we use paper receipts, so-called coupons and vouchers, instead of coins that are embossed with an image of the goods. Such systems establish a direct relationship between the token and the specified item.

A voucher that gives you a dollar off the price of a three-pound can of Folgers branded coffee cannot be redeemed for a three-pound can of Kirkland-branded coffee.

A voucher issued for a pound of butter during World War II was valid for a pound of butter, regardless of brand or source, but was still only “good for” a pound of butter, and the butter was in a military-operated one Procurement agency issued to ensure that the butter vouchers have been matched with the correct amount of butter.

The problem with such systems is that one must have a separate coin, coupon, voucher, etc. for each individual item (Folgers coffee) or each class of item (butter).

At the beginning of the modern era, this peculiarity of the tokens became a real nuisance for certain international merchants in the city of Venice.

Unlike previous eras when an olive oil trader was an olive oil trader, merchants in Venice traded hundreds of different goods that came in daily from all over the world. What was to be done? Issuing coins or separate printed receipts for silk balls from China, nutmeg from India, salt from Switzerland ... and so on and so forth?

And how should one guarantee a match between the coin and the goods for which the coin was issued when these coins were returned to the warehouse?

Perishable goods were particularly difficult to handle in a token system, and given the increasing distance between active trading centers (Venice now traded with Hamburg and Moscow, not just local Mediterranean trading centers), the time between issuing a token for butter and collection could be increased the butter by a buyer is months instead of days. This required that the trader always had to have a considerable supply of a certain commodity in stock in order to cover a possible “run” on this commodity by the token holder.

That's exactly what happens in a bank run today, except that not all people are trying to get cash out of the bank on the same day, potentially exhausting the bank's cash supply, but the merchants of Venice faced the same dilemma with dozens of Goods that all had to be stored against such a contingency.

One day Don Giovanni di Marcos (note the name) had a brilliant idea. Instead of issuing all of these specific tokens for specific goods, why not issue non-specific tokens, all of which are based on the value of a “standard good” like gold?

The modern concept of money was born.

Soon the merchants of Venice let out a sigh of relief. People accepted the gold coins not only in exchange for goods in general, but also for services. The production of gold coins with the coat of arms of the city of Venice soon became a separate business; in fact, so great was the demand for this new commodity that the price of gold rose simply because gold was used to make the coins.

Other cities and royal houses quickly joined the procession and began to issue their own coins with their respective mint marks. These “currencies” soon got their own brand names - the Spanish dollar, the Portuguese real, the Franco-German-Swiss-French franc, the Polish krone, the British pound sterling and so on, all of which were born in a short time and emerged as competitive goods the “money market”.

The currencies differed not only in content (gold or silver), but also in quality (purity of gold or silver) and durability (could you rely on the content and purity?) And purchasing power. Soon a myth clung to every brand, and elements of competition were added that went beyond the content and purity of the physical metal, much like the perpetual battles between Pepsi and Coke, Nike and Converse, John Deere and International Harvester, the American dollar against the French franc and so on.

Over the years, as the distances between the trading centers grew, until every small shop on the planet is potentially connected to every other shop via the post office and other transportation systems, currencies became more and more symbolic, changing their shape from actual precious metal via certificates that represent precious metals to promissory notes that represent debts in the form of digits in a general ledger.

All of this is, of course, increasingly arbitrary and increasingly detached from physical reality.

And that's exactly where the catch lies.

Back in Babylon, there was a one-to-one relationship between a bushel of wheat in a warehouse and a small gold coin embossed with an image of a bushel of wheat. Now there is no necessary connection between a piece of paper called a "dollar" or a "ruble" and any physical good, let alone the purity and content of a physical good.

The American silver dollar is still a 1 ounce coin of minted fine silver, but the USD is a piece of paper issued by commercial subcontractors to the American government as a promissory note to their employers, ostensibly for unpaid services they have provided.

These pranksters have built an astronomical demand on their employers simply by not allowing their employers to offset that debt against what the subcontractors owe the federal government in return.

Such netting was guaranteed under the National Emergency Banking Act of 1934 and defined as a “Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption - MOCEE” - what the same villains all these years through a simple crime of personal fraud and false registration of theirs American employers as British territorial US citizens and dual United States local residents have avoided.

What, you might ask, is a MOCEE? It is what happens when two people owe each other debts and swap debts. You owe me $ 100. I owe you $ 10. Instead of paying you, I say, okay, now you only owe me $ 90. This is a MOCEE, and that ability to pay public debt is what Americans have been owed since 1934.

The essence of the crime against the American people is to deny them their credit-offsetting option based on the selfish and fraudulent legal assumption that all Americans en masse have chosen to become British subjects and therefore no mutual offset credit -Exchange exemption is owed.

We are here to tell you that no - we are all still Americans, we owe our mutual equalization credits, and no, we did not magically become British Territorial Citizens just because the Queen's lackeys roamed the country and mistakenly and secretly registered us as such - while we were on our payroll.

Not only do we not owe the British Crown and the Pope $ 25 trillion, but they owe us far more than that, even after we have cleared the entire amount.

According to the books that are kept on the subject, and by way of example only, you personally owe me a little over twelve billion dollars in credit compared to fifty million dollars in debt. And that without arguing about the details.

So who is the senior creditor and who is the actual debtor?

The entire British Empire and the Holy See are the debtors, and Americans are the creditors who have been cheated of their rights and blackmailed into giving "infinite credit" to the same criminal elements.

This is the filthy, dishonorable trick that the Holy See and the British Crown and Government, in aggregate, have played with their loyal allies, the Americans.

They couldn't even be so decent as to grant the Mutual Compensation Credit (MOCEE) they promised to remedy their theft of our gold, silver, labor, land, and other assets that they illegally took and "for" us under managed their “guardianship”.

Faced with the bill for all of this fraud and crime, all they could think of was an insurance fraud scheme to redeem the life insurance policies they had taken out on all of us, $ 950 trillion in profit as "Life Force Value Annuities." free translation: extrapolated values ​​of life force), which were paid out by the governor of OTTAWA to Prince Philip in April 2017 - and for which they presumably guaranteed to kill us, their primary creditors - all according to Prince Philips' declared wish, after his death to become a "hideous virus" and wipe out most of the human race.

His wish has been granted - until now. The Pirbright Institute holds the patent.

Beware: In April 2017, Prince Philip took in the money for the insurance fraud - $ 950 trillion in Life Force Value Annuities, and this year old Scratch finally, officially, died (though we don't necessarily believe it) and how by magic, millions of Americans and Europeans are being vaccinated against a hideous virus that, oddly enough, has never been isolated.

But, watch out for insurance companies around the world. We are not the only ones being destroyed and betrayed for these crimes. So are you.

And, cheer up, to the rest of the people in this world. We're not the only ones who have to look down the tube for these criminals. You are too.

Everything that happens happens again.

We were not quick enough to realize that the vermin did not abolish slavery, but institutionalized it through the fake Fourteenth Amendment, which was incorporated into their society's disguised charter, named after the United States Constitution.

So-called "Negro Citizenship" was eventually secretly applied to every American by these international criminals, and so through legal authorization and frivolity they have milked and cheated and are now proposing the use of medicine and patents and insurance fraud as a means to profit even from the death of their senior creditors.

It is important for the rest of the world to note that you are all next on their tray, especially the Chinese.

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/bilateralbankingsystem2.pdf

You can find over 3200 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the need-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz: www.annavonreitz.com

You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz's contributions on the translator's Telegram channel: https://t.me/ Freiheitschmied

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