3056 - Removal of the great fraud for the International Court of Justice.
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Published on March 24, 2021.

Translation into German mother tongue by: Jody. With Stephan-Christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my factual-natural person is a civilian in land law with the peace obligation and outside and above COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: don't believe anything, check everything and keep the best. Breathe deeply and live well and in harmony.


After the so-called American Civil War hostilities ceased in April 1865, our two federal subcontractors, a British and a Holy Roman Affiliate, set up their organizations as commercial companies to provide services to the government.

They are continuing their commercial mercenary "war" with one another on our soil without our knowledge. The conspiring clients used this mercenary conflict between our employees, their own instrumentalized players, as a pretext to establish an international military protectorate on our soil - contrary to the controlling treaties, in order to later use an ambiguous fraud scheme to kill completely innocent and unsuspecting Americans in this eternal war. for-their-profit fraud.

They claimed we were “absent”, “missing”, in the “interregnum” - none of this was true and still is not true. It is not possible for a government made up of living people and rightful persons to go away. They also held private corporate elections, which appeared to be public elections, and on the basis of this fraud they claimed to represent us, the Non-Incorporated Federation of States, known in business as the United States of America, as well as our federal republic.

This military occupation by our own paid armed forces has lasted 158 years, all without the public in that country having been informed or assisted in addressing the situation.

The UK territorial subcontractor set up "state of states" franchises for itself and usurped our rightful government by secretly replacing these entities in place of our American states and our American "state of states" business organizations.

All the public might have noticed was a change from "The State of New York" to "the State New York".

These scammers also posed as “The United States of America” - Incorporated. And they claimed, without any authority, to have the power to set up other corporations "on our behalf" (Corporations Act of 1870) and to have "emergency powers" which they were never granted.

In 1907, all of the companies they founded “on our behalf” were bankrupt and we were “presumably” responsible for their debts.

The purposely confused and deceived American public mistook these scammers for their own legitimate government due to similar name deceptions and accepted the allegations.

Under local law, also known as Roman civil law, these communal corporations are allowed to cheat and deceive people as long as they do not know that they have been betrayed and betrayed.

However, as soon as the victims find out, the fraud wrecks everything and renders even the most solemn agreements null and void.

The victims exposed the fraud - all the way back to 1860.

It is all null and void, including all the debts they have accumulated “on our behalf”. Including all of the fake legal proceedings they were involved in by trapping and impersonating Americans, including all of their claims of undeclared mercenary "war", including all of their unsustainable bankruptcies.

There is no doubt in the rational world that the perpetrators of these crimes in breach of trust and public law owe us more than they can ever repay, so an amnesty and debt forgiveness and reconciliation process must be initiated.

As part of this first round of national identity theft, credit fraud, and bankruptcy fraud that unfolded in 1906-07, the so-called U.S. trustees took ownership of our land as collateral for these counterfeit trade debts and introduced a system of property taxes that we is completely alien.

Millions of Americans who were never any “US Citizens” have been deliberately misidentified as co-signers and oncoming parties, and their lands have been confiscated and forcibly held as security for the debts of these foreign commercial corporations.

Note that Americans did not know what was going on, nor was it told about it to the general public. The perpetrators acted under the guise of the law, once again pretending to be the government when in reality they were just subcontractors of the government, ie employees who exploited their employers.

In 1933 they did it again. More money and power for them, more debt for us, and this time they attacked the value of our labor and our individual physical assets. To get the full extent of their heinous and untenable demands, read the Buck Act of 1940.

Again, the unsuspecting American public had no idea what was going on and no near-full disclosure was ever made. Except for a cryptic reference to a “holy cause” and a “consecration” in FDR's first inaugural address, which was technically only addressed to the municipal employees, the American states and the people were kept in the dark - in order to better exploit them.

And their assets.

It all started to unravel in the 1970s and 80s. By 1998, we knew we had been betrayed and suffered from identity theft, human trafficking and wrongful conversion, although the full extent and mechanism of the crime had not yet been exposed. We resigned from the local IRS and the Territorial Internal Revenue Service, both.

As of that date, April 4, 1998, the perpetrators and the two federal subcontractors, organized as commercial companies to provide government services, were under constant public scrutiny and due process.

Since that moment they have tried another bankruptcy fraud and the replacement of their old bankrupt shell with a new municipal company - and they, represented by the Biden administration, are trying to act as successors through a process of takeover.

We refused this for good reason and made our decision public.

In the meantime, we have discovered the perpetrator's misrepresentation of having misrepresented Americans as British territorial and communal persons; have taken steps to record our actual identities and political status and have held actual state assemblies.

We tell the International Court of Justice that we have no contract with the Biden Administration and we are not allowing any contract process by acceptance or concession.

In addition, we inform the International Court of Justice, the Vatican Registry Court and the Court of the Lord High Steward of all these facts. We will petition all three courts for detection, investigation and prosecution of these companies and their executives for criminal breach of trust and breach of contract and violation of their contracts and public law and the constitutions that define both classes of foreign citizens who have been employed to accomplish this big scam.

It is not enough to bankrupt these companies while allowing them to create an endless stream of successor organizations. Those responsible for these crimes must be deprived of their business creation privilege, and it must be recognized that, since they never really had the authority to set up businesses on our behalf, these businesses are owed to us, not them.

In fact, it has long been recognized in various places that all US CORPS and all USA Incorporations are our debtors, and remedial measures relating to these facts have been on the books since 1863 without their being duly approved by the other principals who were involved in these criminal breaches of trust, and without the intervention of the courts or the international community, which has benefited for the most part from these crimes against America and the Americans, who in turn are blamed for the crime of the same oppressors who " Doing business on our behalf.

Inasmuch as there are international laws and treaties, solemn treaties, and international courts and armed forces dedicated to the enforcement of international law, it is more than overdue for these institutions and their representatives to commit this outrageous international fraud, breach of trust and our public peace by putting an end to these foreign commercial enterprises that work against their employers and violate their known international service contracts.

Our legitimate government is back in place, catching up on long overdue deals, including the formal admission of the states formed since 1860 as states of the Union. This measure, determined by roll-call vote at the current state assemblies, came into force on October 1, 2020 and is retroactive to the date on which each of these prospective states entered territorial statehood.

There is no longer any excuse for pretending that our government is absent or not caring for its business interests, nor is there any reason to assume a guardianship interest of any federal subcontractors in our land, sea and property sovereignty, including patents, copyrights and trademarks to which we are entitled.

The extrajudicial courts that have been set up on our land and soil and operated under the guise of the law as instruments to collect debts that Americans never owed are illegal and unlawful extortions carried out by the Roman Catholic Church and theirs affiliated organizations, the Government of Westminster and the United States Territorial Government, all of whom owe us good faith and service.

Our property must be returned and our sovereignty recognized, as the first step towards sanity and the upholding of public law without turning all of civilization into an evil form of feudalism, in which gangs of thugs or gangs of commercial corporations, which is pretty much the same thing is overthrowing the rightful government and exploiting the public for whom they are paid.

The world's conscience must be shaken and alarmed by this fact, and action must be taken by every law abiding nation to review the state of their own government and the courts, as this parasitic infection spreads from commercial corporations posing as legitimate governments and has spread it widely. America isn't the only country that has been plagued by the same criminal charlatans.

Further details are available in our Wet Ink Affidavit of Suspected Cause, beginning on page 222 of our book “You Know Something is Wrong…. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, ”held by the Prosecution of the International Court of Justice since September 2015.

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/deconstructionoffraud.pdf

You can find over 3000 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the need-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz: www.annavonreitz.com.

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