
It's a health date
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"From the Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Medicine ( 10.1007% 2F978-3-211-89836-9_717) the definition of" International Birth Date "is" The date of first approval of a new medical product by a company in any country in the world ”, the date on which the first regulatory authority granted approval of a new drug; the “EU date of birth” is the date it was first registered in the EU (this can be the same date); the “date of birth” triggers the schedule for submitting periodic reports to update the safety ”. → See also “Development's international date of birth, harmonized date of birth, market exclusivity”.

Forensic medicine, that science that teaches the application of any branch of medical knowledge for the purposes of law; therefore its limits are on the one hand the requirements of the law and on the other hand the entire spectrum of medicine. Anatomy, physiology, medicine, surgery, chemistry, physics and botany help if necessary; and in some cases all of these branches of science are required for a court to reach a correct conclusion on a contentious issue involving life or property. "

From the 8th minute approx.

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