2908 Anna von Reitz - About names - The real estate, franchise and title system.
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Published on January 06, 2021.

Translation into German mother tongue by: Jody. In cooperation with: Stephan-christian. [Freedom smith]. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: don't believe anything, check everything and keep the best. Breathe deeply and live well and in harmony.

Many thanks to: Jody for the translation service!


In ancient times, all proper names were names: Hector of Troy, Jeremiah the Prophet, Illius of Alexandria, Merlin the Magician.

In the Celtic countries, names could take many descriptive forms and denote the name of the clan, which itself includes many family names - just look at the families belonging to the MacDonald clan - any of all these people could claim to be a "MacDonald" but only one, the clan chief, could claim to be “the” MacDonald.

There was a certain superstition about “giving away one's name”, much like the resistance of the American Indians to be photographed. Many groups felt that a name was too precious and intimate to share with the public. So they adopted "totem names" (totem as a symbol that serves as the emblem of a group of people such as a family, clan, lineage or tribe) - Queen Guinnivere means "Queen Snowy Owl" and King Arthur means “King Bear”.

All in all, however, these names are only descriptions and not names in the modern sense.
The Roman Empire had an extensive and well-organized system of nomenclatures, which not only served to identify individuals, but also to localize their origins and social status, but which gradually fell into oblivion until it was only in most parts of Europe was a distant memory.

In the Scandinavian countries, other conventions based on descriptive family relationships emerged, such as: B. Olaf, Sven's son, became Olaf Svenson.

Wherever the Roman Catholic Church established registry offices, the names of parishioners were recorded as part of the church's responsibility for recording baptisms, marriages, deaths, and so on. Their location did not have to be part of the name in most cases, as the parish described the location of most of the recorded names. Exceptions were grooms, brides, and other visitors or immigrants from other parishes who were occasionally born or died outside their home parish.

In addition, the age-old custom of first name adoption was practiced, changing someone named “Marjorie Brown” to “Sister Plotsidia” or a man named “Raymond Stuckbuilder” who felt a special bond with Saint Peter and changed his name with the blessing and record of the Church in “Peter Stuckbuilder”. These types of Christian name changes are still an accepted part of church tradition.

From the Norman Conquest onwards, governments began again seriously for administrative purposes to catalog and record the identity and whereabouts of "subjects"; nobles, free men or serfs - the names were still descriptive, but additional effort was made to identify the individual identity of each piece of "property" owned by the monarch for the purposes of drafting, taxation, census and so on to be further specified.

Six hundred years later, naming conventions had taken on more secular purposes. The European monarchs not only had to record their subjects by name and location for administrative purposes, but also to catalog the labor and goods of their capable subjects.

In the early 1700s, Bezirksreiter / Kreisreiter ("Ringreiter") were sent to every town and village to assign names to residents. Many professional names come from this period: John the Blacksmith became John Black or John Smith, Adam the Bookey, who placed bets on horse racing became Adam Horseman or Adam Bookey, and so on. Names like Baker (baker), Forester (forester), Plowman (plowman), Carpenter (carpenter, carpenter) and Hunter (hunter) date from this period. These trade names were recognized as trademarks even later.

Name ownership has always been problematic. In their infinite megalomania, the monarchs maintained that they owned their subjects and the names of their subjects, and when the trade names were given, they also took ownership of the “trademarks”, i.e. the surnames and signatures of their subjects.

So, for example, if a man named Simon Kingman, a British subject, signed a promissory note with his own name, the King or Queen of England would technically be held liable for his debts - which meant he would be liable to the monarch for all of his debts Undertakings were held liable and all his undertakings belonged to the monarch, who of course kept his name and all his property in trust and under his name, and the monarch could at any time require him to pay his debts in full.

Thus began the intrusion of “royal property”, also known as “real estate”, into the realms of private identity and private business and private corporations in Europe.

In America, these practices and assumptions were passed on to the colonists as well, but once independence was secured, ownership of our own nicknames and / or any trade names or artist names passed in full to each of us, and the only ones who remain part of the “ Real Estate ”system were British territorial citizens.

The British right to guardianship of any British subject, regardless of where he lives, also means that British living in America cannot own land because all rights to land or other property are transferred to the Queen, who is her “trustee “Acts whether you like it or not; and everything they own or create also belongs to the queen.

To make this theft of a man's name, trademarks, and other property "legal" when it can never be "lawful," the Queen agrees to protect his property interests from threats from anyone other than herself and her many , many agents and debt collectors. She also agrees to provide certain social benefits in exchange for his donation of himself and all of his property to serve as collateral for the Queen's debts.

Sounds familiar? It should.

In this way, the surname of a British subject such as Black or Beecham is first converted into a trade name / brand and then invested as part of the property; and the first name, like Simon or Mark or Mildred, is interpreted as the name of an individual "franchisee" who operates the brand. In addition, when a Briton accepts any form of government service, he or she is given a title, typically “Mister” or “Miss” or “Missus” or “Doctor” or “Captain”, further qualifying him or her as a servant or slave or otherwise as a debtor to Her Royal Majesty.

And now you see how incredibly profitable it has been for the British to come here and pretend that all these American babies are poor orphans, "abandoned" on the battlefield of the Civil War, of unknown origins, abandoned by their supposedly unmarried mothers or handed in like lost luggage by strangers passing by, acting as “whistleblowers” ​​- ready to be taken and accepted as part of the property, franchise and title system.

Most Brits have been bullied the same way and never said a word about it. And they're just as confused by all the semantic deceptions and commercial claims as we were. But now that all of this nonsense has been exposed and laid out on the floor for all to see, it is obvious that

(1) the Queen has not kept her coronation vows to the people of Great Britain, but instead willfully deviated into a completely different and predatory role and
(2) Millions upon millions of Americans have been grossly misidentified, deliberately misidentified, and betrayed by breach of trust.

Most of us are not and never have been and never want to be British - besides, we already had that argument. Twice. What gun violence cannot deliver, cunning cannot deliver. Pirate ownership does not change ownership.

Now some poor scared and confused people have come to me worried about being "tricked back" and wondering about the use of "middle names".

Intermediate names were generally not used until the later half of the 19th century, when the government's administrative efforts were stalled by too many people with the same or very similar names. The middle name convention was adopted to straighten things out between Robert Joe Black, Robert John Black, Robert Jason Black ..... and so on.

Most presidents of the United States, including, oddly enough, “Ulysses S” Grant, did not have middle names or middle initials. Grant's real name was simply Hiram Grant. He lived his entire career at Westpoint throughout the war and the presidency and everything else under an "assumed name" - and in his case, a "nom de guerre" (pseudonym). In truth, Grant didn't have a middle name either, just an "S", which stood for nothing other than an "S".

Perhaps someone made fun of having a president named “US Grant”, as in “Grant of the United States”.

Anyway, old Hiram Grant was the golden boy and the scapegoat for everything that happened during his tenure and since, and whether or not he had a middle name was not the whole point.

The crux of the matter (or rather, the cross) is: own and control your own name and brands as an American or “voluntarily” take on the status of a British “subject” who is US in this country -Citizen lives and works?

Now that you know how the Queen actually runs this cobweb of deceit and false claims and arrogant, reckless opportunism against her own people, do you want to be a part of it? Never able to own your own home and land, always under the thumb of the Queen and the Crown? Persecuted by British thugs, much like the Raj in India? Helpless to control your own government?

Think about it, but don't think too long.

Claim back your good name and reputation as a Native American; Correct the fake record your misguided public employees made "for" you, claiming you were "abandoned" property and chained you as a baby in the name of the British monarch - at the same time as these jackals got our help against the Nazis and everything from shoelaces to fireclay bricks to rebuild their own country and economy.

The ink on the surrender of the Nazis was not yet dry and the gallows had not yet creaked under the feet of the prisoners in Nuremberg when the British were already planning our economic and diplomatic defeat.

This is the betrayal Britain and its leadership in league with the Roman Pope are famous for, and a “right, rude example” of the crime that has ravaged the British Isles and the monarchy since the days of “King” John.

Britain is “big” indeed, but only because of the size of its common people, the tenacity, truthfulness, work ethic, enterprise and wit of the average people who live all over these haunted islands - and that's a size which was heartlessly exploited by six generations of German displacers under the control of the House of Wettin.

Just as these displacementers replaced their state of state organizations for our American state of state organizations after the Civil War, just as they replaced their version of “the” United States for the United States, as well as they have substituted their version of "the" United States of America, and even "the" United States of America, Incorporated, in the place of our Federation of States, wherever they have ever taken root, they have done the same, and done the same always with the same goal - to act as cheaters and parasites and then move on and kill their hosts or leave them weakened as they go.

They set up / set up Germany (note: in COMMERCE as a company), they set up / set up France, they set up / set up Great Britain - for the second time: now they set up / set up America and pretend that we are “the USA” are - trying their best to sink us with their deceit as they move to China and sink their fangs into the backs of a billion Chinese people.

All of this deserves an end, not with more lies and warplanes, but with determined men and women who are committed to the cause of justice and life and who finally see the perpetrators of all the misery, all the lies - and them as the criminals arrest who they are.

We need to finally get to the point of looking through and over all the troublemakers and shop windows that have been put up to be the scapegoats - right through the age-old evil these criminals have nurtured and nurtured.

And don't give them a place to hide.

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/aboutnames.pdf

You can find over 2900 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the need-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz:

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