Octagon the Empire of Darkness
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and at the current demos against the corona measures one wonders whether the harshness of the police measures. Clarification can possibly be brought about:

Because this is all a conspiracy, Hitler naturally spared Switzerland.


OCTOGON is the name of a very secretive Nazi organization that by the end of the war had moved all of their Nazi gold assets to Switzerland to be used for future wars and illegal activities.

The Octagon Group: a secret global network founded by Autaf Holkand and Lewis Hynes. Comprised of a powerful lineage stretching back to the Egyptian pharaohs, the Swiss Mafia is the deadliest and most technologically advanced mafia in the world, with hundreds of different organizations.

Switzerland is the headquarters of OCTAGON

CERN is considered the secret entrance to
of the CIA's underground headquarters under Lake Geneva

Consequently, the CIA headquarters under Lake Geneva can only be reached underground from CERN and by submarines traveling through the 275 km long underground tunnel which appears to start in Genoa, Italy and end in Lake Geneva.

The CIA's headquarters in Sub-Biosphere 2 is modeled under Lake Geneva. This idea is based on the fact that Sub-Biosphere 2 is the Great European Bubble Chamber (BEBC2) which serves as the command center.

The 26,659 km long LEP Tunnel runs through Switzerland and France. CERN is 27 km from the center of Lake Geneva (i.e. 46° 27'19.8” N6° 36'01.9” E).

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