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Anna von reitz

Translation into the German mother tongue by :andre. Copyright and copyright claim and trade mark. I am. , Saxons in state law with the peace obligation and outside of COMMERCIAL / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastical law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For education, acquisition of skills and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here:
Believe nothing, check everything & keep the best.
I have explained several times that the name "America" ​​is an English bastardization of the name of the "Armoricans" - a Franco-Celtic tribe that traditionally lived on the south-west coast of Normandy.
They still live there.
Famous seafarers and adventurers, and the cornerstones of the French navy and merchant fleet from the dawn of modern history - meaning since French evolved as a language.
They are the ones with the continental connections to the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and yes, the German merchant lords of Wettin, Hamburg, Amsterdam and of course the French lords of Normandy themselves.
It was the Armorican who established the fur trade and timber trade with the Native American tribes at a time when population pressures were wiping out most of Europe and decimating Europe's fur stocks.
This all started thousands rather than hundreds of years ago, in the Megalithic Age.
As a result, the Europeans named the raw and distant land from which these trade goods came Armorica after the “Armoricans” who traded there in a market through treaties unique to Armoricans.
Her name is found in other ways in the name of the Native American tribe, the Mohicans, such as (e.g. in the movie:) The Last of the Mohicans.

These "Native Americans" occasionally had children as white-skinned as any Flanders girl, and their bloodlines still run deep in the northern states and southern Canada.
The Armorican treaties with the native tribes were sealed by marriage and formed the basis of the Kingdom of Normandy's claims to North America.
This is also the basis for the famous French fur trade, often overlooked in English history books and contested during the French and Indian War just before the American Revolution (1756).
Can anyone find an official Treaty of Versailles ending the French and Indian War? This is a good research project that has not yet been awarded.
If not, this would "negatively corroborate" my suspicion that what we know as the "French and Indian War" was another mercenary conflict alongside the actual wars then being waged in Europe with Frederick the Great and later Napoleon Bonaparte.
I repeat this to show you how the history of France and the nations of continental Europe is far more profoundly and intimately bound up with that country than present-day generations of Americans are led to believe.
Investments of blood and money linked America and Europe for centuries, well before full-scale colonization began - and we must understand that the activities of the English and Dutch violated the "sacred treaties" that the French, particularly the Normans, signed with the native tribes for centuries prior to 1492.
And yes, there is a reason America is called America.
The Roman practice of starting a war, then enslaving and "educating" the victims to make them forget who they are and where they came from has been practiced for a long time. Such a rootless and unsuspecting group of people can be conquered and integrated into the Fourth Roman Empire - also known as the Fourth Reich - much more easily. Or “the fourth industrial revolution”.
That sounds so much better than "Madhouse Four".
We have come to a point in this process where most of the people reading this have never seen two separate volumes, one entitled History of America and the other entitled History of the United States - a clear one Evidence that these are two different issues.
But it is critical to our survival as a country, and to the survival of many other countries, that we all wake up and remember who we are with our entire national history - not just what the would-be slave owners taught us for money in the 'schools for the public”.
Wake up - Now. Don't wait another hour.

On September 20th (2022 AD) the Federal Reserve will make a fatal decision. By September 30th, the Pope will have set up his wagon train and collected all the liquid forms of wealth in the Vatican Bank. In mid-October, the stock market will falter and stop functioning as an exchange. Trade and commerce are disrupted, supply lines are cut, sources of raw materials are shut down, factories shut down, and the last surplus is sold off.
Massive unemployment will result, while at the same time inflation will rise to unimaginable levels. Think of the Weimar Republic. This is what “they” have planned for us. If these monsters succeed, millions will be "sacrificed" to their money god.
But instead of listening to their bullshit and excuses, and instead of accepting their new version of Hitler, I suggest that all people in the world put a stop to this before it starts again.
Arrest Jerome Powell and the members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors before September 20th. Then arrest all the board members of all central banks and the board members of all companies that are members of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Issue new national currencies that cannot be monitored and that are owned by nations, not governments.
Become Icelandic and pay for everything with cash.
They will attempt to confiscate or void cash because these Federal Reserve Notes are physical evidence of your large debt to you. Instead, hold them accountable and never be silent again.
Save yourself, save your lands and imprison these lunatics somewhere where they cannot harm themselves or others. And if they try to sell you any Hitler-like "saviors" - learn from the past.
You must be your own savior and not believe anything these miserable liars tell you.
Remember these same people telling you America was named after Amerigo Vespucci - an Italian cartographer.
Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/
You can find over 3700 other contributions by Anna von Reitz for Enlightenment, Competence and Necessary Shift in Consciousness at the original English website provided and maintained by Paul Stramer for Anna von Reitz contributions: www.annavonreitz.com
You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz’s posts on the Telegram channel:

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