
[总: 1 Durchschnitt: 5]


我们现在距离成功出生还有几天的时间 进入电晕时期。

意译:一.,来自自由锻造。 自愿为: 一。 并为每一个有荣誉感、良心和真诚感的生活-感觉-思考-同胞人类。
“查看 任何东西并保持它 最好的” (自由锻造)


[19. 2022年XNUMX月]



并与您在英国、英国、英国和美国认识的所有人分享此视频。 距离完全所谓的政权更迭还有一周到 10 天的时间。 这意味着这个国家的议会将更新, 目前的演员 被解雇和 新演员 将成立,这将通过有关公司地位的立法。

同样的情况也将发生在华盛顿特区。 美国,好吧,华盛顿特区现在已经成为美国其他地区的一部分。 它不再是外国的,因为如您所知,华盛顿特区对美国人来说是陌生的(注意:域外意义上的外国/外国)。

现在停下来,因为我所说的简单而直接。 这就像我试图向你们解释,或者说 2 乘 2 等于 4 的变体。所以在潜入形容词世界之前,我只能解释一两次,这实际上被称为着色法律。

所以你必须直接听每个句子,因为每个句子就像我在给你止赎,2 乘以 2 等于 3,999,而政客们会说 4.2 乘以 XNUMX 可以等于 XNUMX 或 XNUMX。 如果您为这些事实添加颜色,则除此之外的所有其他数字都称为形容词。 给事实上色,叫做给法律上色,给语言上色。 这叫艺术表现,演员的剧本。 因此,这些是我可以直接与您交流而不会扭曲或着色任何内容的最佳方式。

所以我重复自己,就好像我在说 1 加 3 等于 4。好吧,或者 3 加 1 等于 4。我能说的方式只有这么多, 这就是我在美国告诉你的,华盛顿特区,乔·拜登,这种裙带关系的一部分,他们是什么,将在接下来的一周到 10 天内被解雇,一个新的群体将发挥作用。

好的,我还将在此演示文稿中为您提供更多关于这些内容的内容,但当然您必须分享此视频。 正如我刚刚告诉你的那样,你还能做什么,英国和美国都会发生彻底的变化? 我不能研究每一个国家,但英国和美国当然可以。 所以听听介绍。

顺便说一句,我的先生们,亲爱的听众,还有一件事:去年我们取消了 BBC 广播章程的资格,因为这是一种欺诈性的语言传播,只不过是一部小说。 结果,议会和其他人将失去电视许可证并转为订阅. 所以在我解释更多之前,我想谈谈这个几分钟,好的。 我们在这里得到的是,这将在世界范围内宣布,BBC 将失去他们的许可,他们将转向订阅。


现在让我们继续做其他事情。 在我们继续之前,我希望你们每个人都阅读这个,如果你看不懂,好吧,你没有时间,我会在计算机程序上读出来,好吧。 一个计算机程序,所以给我一两分钟。 所以仔细听,如果它没有播放,我很抱歉设置,但这是我能做的最好的。 让我们希望音频能够通过,所以在我继续之前,请先听听我对情节和演员的看法。 了解你的政客是谁非常重要,所以请再给我几秒钟,让我们看看我还能做什么。


好的,你刚刚读到了。 我问布莱克法律词典什么是演员,他们准确地告诉你演员是什么。 不需要101个形容词。 写在你脸上的,就是写在你脸上,让男人和女人明白。 这对人们来说很容易,它可能是一个巨大的宝藏,所以从这个意义上说,我对任何人都没有吸引力。

我让你知道,在美利坚合众国,你的政府很快就会易主,在英国,大不列颠,英国没有议会,可以这么说,因为英国人的家就是他的城堡。 随着我们的进行,您会明白这一点,因为他们不是演员,但他们有很多人代表他们表演。 你明白我刚才说的话吗? 当然你有,所以现在我正在为你准备我将要展示给你的东西。


请记住,此演示文稿中没有形容词。 二乘二等于四,就是这样。 没有着色,没有语言的着色等等。

使其富有诗意。 这是一个演员(乔·拜登)。 你不知道他是聪明还是愚蠢。 好吧,但他是个演员,因为我通过描述向你证明了这一点。 议员和参议员在做什么——参议员们在呼吁做什么?

我们现在必须采取行动。 您必须了解法案是什么,法案是一种公司工具,时期。 这是乔·拜登。

对于我的聪明的学生,容我们说,他们有额外的影响力,他们很快就会发现这对他们已经认识的人来说是合法的虚构,好吧。 这是法律小说,乔·拜登,但他在为谁行事? 好吧,你会以某种方式发现的,我不想放弃它,但做一些比较。 这些技术非常古老,并不新鲜。 挑战在于理解它们,因为这些类型的技术在 30 多年前被引入市场。 好吧,即使 30 年过去了,你也必须在那里,即使你和我的家人对你来说是非常独特的。 尽管这项技术已有 30 多年的历史,但人们仍然措手不及。

他们试图招募演员,这就是他们所做的一切,这也是随之而来的事情之一 黑色生活很重要 跑步。 他们知道我是谁,这些活动的负责人,当我与他们交流并告诉他们写作时,当你说“美国白人、非洲白人、非洲黑人或美国黑人”之类的话时,然后对他们说你你在法律面前没有地位。 这就是他们想要做的,他们让你签订一份口头合同,说你没有展位,因此没有公司文书。 而且因为你没有企业工具,所以你没有办法做任何事情。 我们将代表您这样做,而您只是一名优秀的小员工,就像他们所说的英国大兄弟一样。 英国,真正意义上的工厂车间还可以。 英国是一家公司,其工厂车间是注册为英国公民的人。 这意味着他们是工厂的公民并遵守称为行为的社会法律。 他们只是工厂工人、零售商或银行家,或其他任何东西。 他们只是奴隶主的演员。


好的,你现在想通了吗? 它们都只是法律虚构。

好的,这个,我会给你这个知识,但是没有你的工作,它会被浪费掉。 该技术非常简单。 它不仅仅是一个计算机程序或其他东西。

他们冒充你的神,好吧。 他们经常假装是你的神,因为你可以在我的网站上看到所有这些。 是的,我想你明白了,对不起,你们可以看到语言并不华丽。

我正在为全世界代祷,让你知道你现在已经成功地出生在科罗娜时期。 世界现在已经变得面目全非,就像一个 180 度的转向相反的方向。 你已经成功地从黑暗时代进入了电晕时期。

电晕是皇冠的拉丁词。 而当婴儿出生时,当你第一次看到它的小脑袋时,这被称为加冕时刻或日冕时刻,就像精力充沛的男人和女人的光芒一样。 是的,做好准备,因为这将是一个奇妙的诞生,这个诞生已经持续了将近两年。 好吧,但你出生成功并不意味着你可以洗手并继续生活。 很多人为此付出了很大的努力。




从 18 世纪到今天,您和您的祖先、祖父母以及未来都有机会成为最好的自己。 机会已经给了繁荣或毁灭人们,我很抱歉只用积极的和消极的措辞说话。 如果你愿意,你有机会继续你的生活,你也有机会撒谎、欺骗、谋杀、强奸、抢劫、撒谎、欺骗、成为演员或指导人们为你表演,缔结和平,或开战。 他们拥有我能想象到的每一个机会。

所有选择这些破坏性事物的男人/男人和女人/女人/女人都将结束他们的生命。 你知道的。皇冠时代没有这些人的空间。

我说的这个房间是什么? 这是一个牢房。 那么,选择健康的男人和女人,优秀。 那些只想继续生活的男人和女人,太棒了。 选择不这样做的男人和女人 资产 成为(因为 资产 方法: 演员.) 这样做的人自己树立了榜样,为世界其他地方的人树立了榜样,他们足够关心停止和纠正。

这是你的时间。 那些偷窃或认为可以偷窃他人房屋或生意的人,哦,亲爱的,你被赋予了每一个享受生活和做生意的机会。 商业就是建立人际关系,或者我应该说男女之间的关系,这就是商业的意义所在。


嗯,我有一些事情要做 爱尔兰人 照顾。 一旦完成,我们应该说那部分是安全的。 我还要感谢某位学生,他向我提供了有关正在发生的事情的信息 芝加哥 戏剧。 犯罪活动。 这似乎是某种流氓状态。 我也得把它清理干净。 好吧,在爱尔兰和芝加哥之后,我的时间会更自由一些,可以更有创意地工作。 在此过程中,我还将解决各种 合作社 处理你知道已经拼写了 - co 和 op。

之所以如此,是因为与腐败的政府和法院系统作斗争的日子即将结束。 但是对于那些仍然停留在小说中的人,他们仍然停留在政治家的世界里,那个世界会继续为你而存在,因为那是你选择的。

这个星球是一个选择的星球, 你的行为方式 你所想的那个人会为你结出果实。 所以我想说得很清楚,仅仅因为我告诉过你我们出生在一个新世界并不意味着你会成为其中的参与者。 如果你不知道我在说什么。 你听得懂我说的吗? 就像我谈到的技术使描绘其他法律人的虚构成为可能。 它们允许奥巴马扮演不同的角色,同时在他演奏和签署一些文件时从不同的地点发表演讲。 这是一个旧的套件。 莎士比亚演员长期以来一直在使用的东西。

这对我来说是漫长的一天,我必须向你解释和分享你现在已经出生到一个全新的世界。 好的,所以我祝你一切顺利。 这并不意味着联邦邮政法院少了……我不知道活跃的另一个词是什么,呃,也许你可以为我弥补? 更有活力。


你看,亲爱的听众,你需要明白的是:如果你有一家银行,如果你有海盗,如果你有人为死去的人在纸上为你写下死亡誓言,那么你是在要求一个入狱,你懂吗? 我知道这是非常具有挑战性的,当然我自己也受到过挑战,在这方面我已经多次受到挑战。

很难相信世界上每个国家都有大约 150 人都在努力和开发通过政治家等各种行为者向你撒谎的方法。 要知道像自然程序这样的简单程序故意谎报动物的真实面目是困难和具有挑战性的。 很难知道众议院、参议院、州长和其他人中的每一位政客,他们都是极少数人的演员,都故意撒谎和欺骗,并且已经欺骗了 150 多年或更多的。 很难相信所有这些报纸,所有这些电视台,都是故意设计来向你们这些人民传播谎言和欺骗的。

不难知道,20 年前乔治·布什说服了整个地球,包括穆斯林,他们都是恐怖分子,这不是太牵强,不是吗? 此外,他们创造的名为奥萨马·本·拉登的某种法律小说是这次恐怖行为的中心。 一个 恐怖主义行为,意思是“表演”。 相信他们赢得了整个地球并不难,我不是在谈论乔治布什或任何那些奥运选手。

他们成功地说服了全球 80% 的人口,他们必须戴口罩! 这告诉你什么? 这告诉你什么?

它告诉你信号又坏了。 给我一点时间。 这部分人类将很快消亡。


如果人们不明白你国家的财富取决于你的保证,他们通过让你成为 死亡誓约 签署贷款和大学抵押学位(BAföG!),甚至无法帮助您泡杯茶。 你明白我说的吗?

意识到你的母亲、你的父亲、你的老师、你的政治家、你的医生和你的护士被故意保持在无知状态,或者被心甘情愿地保持在无知状态,这是非常具有挑战性和令人大开眼界的。 事实上,没有护士,没有医生出现,只是 一开始 说是因为字典上说 电晕只是感冒. 除了我,没有法官站出来说你现在正在出生到一个新世界。


官僚,世界各地的官僚机构将开始改变。 我希望你会和她一起改变。

亲爱的听众,您的抵押贷款现在实际上是无效的。 没有人可以抵押你,没有人可以抵押你。

当我昨天与亚历克斯交谈时,他指出南非、美国和加拿大的许多公司都在这样做的原因 以高于实际市场价值 10% 至 30% 的价格购买地块, 甚至比要价高出 10% 到 30% 或更多,他们以数十万美元的价格购买它们,是因为联邦邮政法院及其法官、工作人员和文员做得非常好,非常出色,大约棍子敲打他们。 你现在感觉到鞭子了。 还有其他原因。 其他一些原因是,整个房地产市场也是英国、英国、英国以及美国、加拿大和许多其他国家的支柱。 正是因为这些私人公司正在购买数百万套房屋,而令人难以置信的价格正在支撑一个被称为泡沫的人造市场。 他们这样做有许多其他原因,其中一个原因是联邦邮政法院在这个星球上留下了自己的印记。 我把它拼成一个带有k的标记,这与杀人无关,那是一个带有q的marq。

好的,再听一遍。 为了充分利用阳光,您需要将头伸出窗户或门外,享受阳光的光辉。 你知道的。呆在室内听政客的话不会让你晒成古铜色的。

我告诉过你,如果你支付 BBC 电视许可证,你就参与了骗局。 这就是为什么我说用我的脸(在我允许的情况下)说这个人说你们,你们 BBC,你知道,两个 BBC 将军,不过是骗子,因此这是犯罪,我对此负责,我已经这样做了。

如果你也 节日治安官或警察 尝试 充当雇佣兵,如果他们试图成为雇佣兵,这意味着他们放弃了他们的制服和誓言, 你可以逮捕他们,你可以告诉:



我给你举个例子,说明男人和女人都很容易掉入这个语言陷阱。 想象一下被警察拦下。 好吧,你已经被阻止了。 这种情况很常见。 从你嘴里出来的第一件事是什么? 他们通常会尝试提供驾驶执照或其他东西的合同。 你无辜地参与其中,结果他只是将你拖入你所读到的各种指控中,这意味着原告,你知道,雇佣军,提出虚假指控,然后期望你以高昂的代价为自己辩护.

由于指控或主张,被告没有什么可以为自己辩护的 必须证明. 你明白吗?

正如我向您解释的那样,除此之外,例如在这个国家。 在这个国家,如果你被拦在马路的左边,一个警察或警察想为生意开票,收钱,可以这么说,会对你说,而不是无辜的,他会对你说: “你怎么把车停在这里? 这里不是停车的好地方。” 如果你回答,“哦,我只是在接电话,或者只是调整我的座位,”或者其他什么,他会给你一张责备你的罚单,你如此天真地接受了一个天真的词,因为你从来没有想过警察、法官或政客对你说谎。 你明白停车意味着您已拉手刹,现在正准备下车或已经下车。 这就是你离开你的车、你的交通工具、你的交通工具、你的旅程,不管它叫什么,你的马车,不管你叫什么。 他基本上是这么说的 这是一个语言技巧。 但如果你对他说: “哦,不,我没有停车,Wachtmeister 先生,我只是停在这里。” 那么这将是完全不同的事情,因为作为一名司机,你有一个叫做正义的判断,法律意识。 这就是判断的能力,这就是驾驶者的能力:你停下来做你必须做的事情,因为你必须这样做,当然这从来都不是问题,没有人可以告诉你开罚单或违法这类, 就是这样.

我为什么要告诉你这些? 你在新冠病毒爆发前从嘴里吐出的那个无辜的词,不是现在你在听我说的,那个你无辜地从嘴里吐出的词,就像 帕尔肯, 意味着与您认为的完全不同的东西。 正如我们需要作为一个民族团结起来制定法律来保护我们的权利一样。

你让自己出去了在科罗纳时期,作为地球的潜在评委,我将成为这个星球的老师,以及其他评委。 我们必须对付他们 抵押/贷款 应对。 因为在新冠时期,你们谁都不能有死亡誓言,因为你是成功出生的. 世界各地的抵押贷款公司都知道这一点。像乔治布什家族这样的私人公司和他们的法律小说都知道这一点。他们知道我们在追捕他们。

好的,联邦邮政法院、联邦邮政法院及其世界各地的法官和工作人员确保他们拥有这种知识。 既然您已经听说了,请随时给我们发电子邮件。 但不要指望我们免费提供。 不要为每一件小事问我们这个和那个。 我发布了信息,在电晕时期,每个人都按自己的方式付费。 我这样做了,评委和工作人员为此付出了令人难以置信的代价,因为我们的行为方式在很多方面都令人叹为观止。

当我看看评委们做了什么时, :David-Wynn: Miller 做了什么,以及他们为实现这一目标而经历的事情。 尽管他们有像 Russell Jay Gould、Leighton Ward 和 Monty Muller 这样的人,但他们都是靠着 :David-Wynn: Miller 这样的好人过活的无名小卒。 他是,他是一个非常善良的人。

我们甚至有人自愿尝试从 :David-Wynn: Miller 那里偷东西。 这种行为应该只是成为男女之间零容忍的一部分。 虽然很黑,但它应该是一个庆祝活动。 我希望我可以宣布这是一个欢乐的庆祝活动,但我回顾了我 12 年的生活,我到了这一点,哇,当我想到像我的小弟弟这样的人时,还有 :David-Wynn: Miller 从来没有到这里为止。 好的,请注意,:David-Wynn:米勒和我的弟弟叫所罗门,还有很多其他人,比如法官兰斯、亚历克斯、海格和艾琳等等,我网站上的人和那些也通过训练等方式升级。 我心想,哇,世界各地的男人和女人为使我们成功进入这个时期付出了多大的努力!

我回头看他们 上海合作社. 我不能正确发音,但它 是合作社. 好的,他们将要推向市场的技术。 当我在手机和电脑上进行演示时,我想,对不起,我以为你已经知道了。 是的,这就是我们所说的量子芯片。 你知道,这就像在三个维度上同时运行 80-90 台计算机。 这就是这个量子芯片的作用。 好的,这就是你要来的技术。 在其他亚洲国家,它将在未来两三个月内到来。 在这个国家,美国,它将在今年年底出现。 由于奥运选手以及欧洲和英国的所作所为,你们美国人现在在这些技术上落后了大约 10 年。 由于公国全灭,你们实际上落后于技术 10 年。

但我想说得很清楚。 事实上,您的抵押贷款都是无效的,因为抵押贷款是在官​​僚主义和纸面上创建的,它通过 101 机制宣布您死亡。

好的,就像这些组一样,你知道怎么做 对于人民法案, 在黑盒子上打勾,你知道,黑人的命也是命,南非白人都在追寻他们的生活。 对不起,我忘了给你看这个。 是的,这就是我所指的。

所以我想我说了我需要说的话,你知道我不使用剧本,因为我不是演员,我不写任何这些东西。 当我站在讲台上时,这是一个几何级的竞争环境,我不写剧本,也没有那些东西,我只有要点和我需要启发你们的东西。 好的,我就是这样工作的。 没有适合我的脚本。 因为我不是演员。

好的,现在进入技巧和陷阱学生: 这是给你的消息。 我需要你们为我做一些采访,这样你们就可以采访我,这样我就可以谈谈从现在开始对电晕时期的期望。 我需要这个的原因是因为可用的对话允许我回答那些我无法弥补的事情。 是的,这些东西对我来说很容易理解,但有时我在试图解释它们时有点草率。 我没有在梯子上迈出一步,而是跳过了三四步,导致人们错过了一些跑步。 伙计们,好吧,当我说“伙计们”时,我指的是你们所有人。 因此,对于那些诡计多端的大学生,请与我联系并与我进行这些对话,以便世界可以看到您通过自己的学习和大学获得的知识的长度和广度,以及如何获得你已经进化了很多。

好的,现在我有两个项目要做芝加哥和爱尔兰。 好吧,在那之后,我的时间在精神能量方面会自由很多,因此,我不需要你那么多的技巧和陷阱的帮助,好吧。 所以在我忙碌的时候,让我接受这些采访,这样我就不必一直思考和开发这些我认为应该来自你们的东西。 我不必一直思考它并产生这些我认为人们需要知道并且应该来自你的东西。 因此,请联系我进行这些采访。

正如我告诉你的爱尔兰,选择是你的,无论你是说谎、偷窃还是参与、说真话、享受生活,你都有很多选择。 但你选择了撒谎,你选择了偷窃,这是有后果的,你会活出这些后果, 在美国和其他任何地方都一样。 芝加哥,让你重新加入并不需要太多努力,而且你不是一个流氓州。 好吧,你的正义可以挂在脖子上。 你最好表现得 证据堆积如山,你逃不掉。 你无处可去


恭喜,亲爱的听众。 直到下一次。 再见。


您好,欢迎亲爱的观众,抱歉,我花了一些时间,我们遇到了一些技术问题,但我现在在这里非常仔细地聆听,并与您在英国、英国、英国以及我们认识的所有人分享此视频距离所谓的政权更迭大约一周到 10 天 这意味着这个国家的议会将自我更新,现有的演员将被解雇,新的演员将被安排到位 通过公司地位法案同样的事情将在华盛顿特区发生美国好吧华盛顿特区现在已经成为美洲其他地区的一部分它并不像以前那样陌生因为你知道华盛顿特区对美国人来说是陌生的现在停止因为我的简单和直接说这就像我试图向你解释或使它成为我说 2 乘以 2 等于 4 的变体。 所以在我进入形容词世界之前我只能解释一两次,这实际上被称为法律的着色所以你必须直接听每句话,因为每句话就像我给你止赎两次两次等于四个政治家会说 2 乘以 2 可以等于 3.999 或 4.2 任何其他数字,当你为这些事实添加颜色时,它们被称为形容词 当你为事实着色时,它被称为法律的着色 语言的着色它被称为艺术表达演员的剧本,所以这些是我可以直接与您交流的最佳方式,无需复杂或着色任何内容,所以我重复自己,好像说 2 加对不起 1 加 3 等于 4。 好吧,或者 3 加 1 等于 4。

you have so I’m now preparing you for what I’m about to show you this is an actor okay and this actor will be acted out in replacement of another actor for your controllers on this planet which I’ve spoken about already remember there is not going there is going to be a complete lack of adjectives in this presentation it’s two times two equals four that’s it no coloring no coloring of language and so on and so forth to make it poetic this is an actor you do not know if he’s clever or stupid okay but what he is an actor because I’ve proven it to you by the description what do they parliamentarians and senates do and what do the senators call out to do we must act now let us pass acts you’ve got to understand what an act is an act is a corporate instrument full stop this is joe Biden for my savvy students that have that shall we say extra range in their site will quickly figure out this is a legal fiction for somebody that you already know okay this is a legal fiction joe Biden but who is he acting for okay you’ll kind of figure it out and I don’t want to give it away but do some comparisons work it out okay who is acting for it doesn’t take too much of a imagination of course it doesn’t these technologies are very old they’re nothing new your understanding of it is what’s challenging because these types of technologies have been released uh well over 30 years ago okay and even though 30 years has now passed you out there albeit your family and I do have to make it should we say very unique to you is that even they even though the technology is over 30 years old people are still being taken by surprise okay so look act for the people all right they’re trying to get actors that’s all they’re doing and this is one of the things that run on black lives matter they know who I am the people that run these campaigns and when I communicate with them and tell them when you write when you say things like you know white American white African or black African or black American you’re basically telling them that you have no standing in law you know that’s what they’re trying to do is they are getting you to verbally contract to say that you have no standing and therefore you have no corporate instrument and thereby because you don’t have any corporate instrument you have no ability to do any commas and we’ll do that on your behalf and you just be a good little employee like for example in great bro what they call united kingdom united kingdom is the factory floor quite literally okay united kingdom is a corporation and its factory floor are the people that signed up to be a citizen of united kingdom which means they are citizens in a factory and abide by corporate laws called acts they are just simply acting to be factory workers retailers or bankers or whatever it is they’re just simply actors for their slave masters okay so this presentation is also for my advanced students and also to let you know for the third and final time US is going to be a complete change in united kingdom complete change okay period now have you figured it out these are all legal fictions okay this one you figure it out because if I keep giving you this type of knowledge without you working for it will become wasted right the technology is very simple it’s nothing more than a computer program and any one of these ones these are also the ones that masquerade as your gods as it were okay they masquerade as your gods quite often because you can see all that on my website yeah I think you guys have got it and say sorry to say guys as you can see the language is not flowery and I’m putting myself out there for the whole world to hear to let you know you have been successfully now birthed into the corona period the world has now changed beyond recognition like a 180 degree U-turn in the opposite direction you have successfully brain birthed out of the dark ages and into the corona period corona the Latin word for corona is crown okay so a bigger pardon crown is the Latin word for crown is corona and when a baby is being born when you first see its head it’s called a crowning moment or a corona like the glow of men and women that have a great deal of energy yeah prepare yourself because it’s going to be a fantastic birthing this birthing took just under two years okay but you have been successfully birthed this does not mean that you can just simply wash your hands and get on with life a lot of people made a lot of effort to bring this about if you or your family or your friends whoever is not listening to this presentation if you’re in the mind that you can just have a free ride and that you can just simply go about life as you have conducted yourself especially those subspecies okay you are sorry mistaken I want to make that very clear this is the age of men and humans have no space in it why because they simply disqualified themselves either by being inert being the silent majority or participating in the fraud now comes the second part of the message to the entire world in the period of just between the mid-18th century to this period you was given and your ancestors and your grandparents and the future of it all to be the best of what you are he was given the opportunity to flourish or destroy people and I’m sorry to speak in positives and only negatives you was given the opportunity to just simply get on with your life if you so wish he was also given the opportunity to lie cheat murder rape rob lie cheat be an actor or point people to do acting for you whether to make peace or go to war in fact he was given every single option there is that my imagination can take you for all those men and women that chose those things which are destructive your lives are going to come to an end you know it is because there is no room in the crowning period what is this room that I speak about it’s a prison cell now for those men and women that chose to be healthy excellent those men and women that just wanted to get on with their lives fantastic those men and women that chose to be not active because active means what actor to conduct themselves to be a sample an example to the rest of the world who cared enough to stop and correct this is your period in time those people that stole or think that they can steal people’s houses or their businesses oh my he was given every opportunity to enjoy life and do business and business is about establishing human relationships or I should say relation men and women relationships that’s what business is about for those ones that decide to steal and partake of that fruit shall we say not going to make it now I’ve got some work to do for some Irish people once that’s done the should we say that part of the navel will be sound and secure we also I wish to also thank a particular student that uh provide me with some information about what’s happening in Chicago the criminal activity it seems to be some sort of a rogue state well that also I need to tidy about tidy it up okay so after island and after Chicago my time will be a little bit more freer to do more creative work and in doing so I will also be treating with the various cooperation cooperatives you know spelt co and an op the reason why that is because the days of fighting corrupt governments and court systems will soon come to a halt as it will but for those people that are still stuck in fiction still stuck in the world of politicians that world will just keep perpetuating for you because that’s what you chose this planet is a planet of choice how you conduct yourself and the man in which you think is what will bear fruit for you so I want to make it very clear just because I have told you we’ve been birthed into a new world doesn’t mean that you will be a participant of it if you are not aware of what I’m talking about you understand what I’m saying just as the technologies that I was speaking about that allows the portraying of other legal people’s fictions to take place you know it allows Obama to be in another part and give a speech simultaneously from somewhere else while he’s playing while he is signing some documents it’s an old piece of kit the one that Shakespearean actors have been using for a very long time okay so it’s been a long day for me and I need to explain to you folks and also to share this that you have now been birthed into a brand new world okay so I wish you all the best this does not mean the federal postal court will be less uh shall we say uh I don’t know what another word for active is uh perhaps you guys can think of it for me more dynamic certainly our ability to conduct our affairs all over the world will be in a much more stronger position you see dear audience what you what you got to understand is this when you when you have a bank when you have privateers when you have people that quite literally create death pledges for dead people which they have put you on paper as you’re asking for a prison sentence do you understand and I know it’s very challenging and certainly I’ve been challenged it by myself I’ve been challenged myself many times on this it is hard to believe about 150 000 people in every single country in the world are all working and engineering ways to tell you lies through their various actors like politicians it is it is difficult and challenging to know that simple programs like nature programs are deliberately lying to you about what animals really are it is challenging and difficult to know that every single politician in parliament senate governors and the rest of them which are all actors for a very small group of people are deliberately lying cheating and have been cheating for over 150 years or more and it is hard and challenging to believe all these newspapers all these television stations have been deliberately engineering to convey alliance lies and fraud on you the people it is not challenging to know that George bush 20 years ago convinced the entire planet including the Muslims that they are all terrorists it wasn’t too far along was it and in addition to that that a particular legal fiction that they created called Osama bin laden was the epicenter of that terrorism act an act of terrorism which is acting it’s not that hard to believe that is it it’s not that hard to believe that they convinced the entire planet and I’m not talking about George bush okay or any one of these Olympians they successfully convinced like 80 of the world’s population they got to wear masks what does what does that tell you what does that tell you it’s saying that the signals broke again so let me just give you give me a few seconds that part of humanity will quickly become extinct but as long as men and women remain inert silent majorities ticking those god awful boxes white man white woman black man black woman you’ll be none of the wiser if people do not understand the wealth of your nation was on the back of your securities which they took offer you by getting you to sign up to death pledges loans and university degrees that can’t even help you make a cup of tea you understand what I’m saying it is incredibly challenging it is eye-opening to realize that your mothers your fathers your teachers your politicians your doctors and your nurses have been wantingly kept ignorant or willfully ignorant and the fact that no nurse no doctor [Music] has come out and just simply said at the beginning because it was in a dictionary that the corona is just a common cold and no judge came out apart from me said you are now being birthed into a new world it’s hard to believe that the thousands of judges out there in the judiciary the solicitors the lawyers all work in unison to keep you the people poor the bureaucrats the bureaucracy is a bigger part of the bureaucracies around the world will begin to change my hope is that you would change with it your mortgages dear audience are actually now invalid nobody can hold a mortgage over your head nobody can hold a death pledge over your head and when I was speaking to Alex just yesterday he pointed out the reason why we have so many companies in south Africa America Canada buying up properties at 10 to 30 percent above actual market value okay the above asking price even up to 10 to 30 percent or even more and they’re buying it up in the hundreds of thousands is because the federal postal court and its judges and its staff and its clerks are doing a heck of a job a fantastic job at cracking the whip against them they are now feeling the whip there are other reasons other reasons some of the other reasons is that the entire housing market is also a prop for England Britain united kingdom as well as for the US, Canada and so many of these other countries it is in it is intended for these private companies that are buying up millions of homes and incredible prices are propping up an artificial market calling you know what’s famously known as a bubble they are doing that for many other reasons and one of the other reasons is because the federal postal court has made its mark on this planet and I’m not I’m spelling it as an m-a-r-k nothing to do with killing people which is an m-a-r-q okay listen up again in order for you to take advantage of sunshine you have to stick your head out of your window of your door and bathe in its glory you know that you’re not going to get a bronze suntan staying indoors and listening to politicians I have told you that if you pay the BBC, TV license you are being you are participating in fraud that is why I said use my face to say this man said that you guys you BBC you know two uh BBC uh generals nothing more than fraudsters and as a result it’s criminality and I take the responsibility for it and I have done so if you also find that sheriffs or police officers are trying to act as mercenaries not acting as I will if they are try if they are being mercenaries which means they have abdicated their uniform and their oath you can put them under arrest and you can say for colon mark hyphen kishan for colon christopher full stop at the end chief federal postal court judge said that I am authorized you to do so but listen to what I say no police officer no sheriff can work for a corporation unless they have abdicated their oath like make false accusations okay I’ll give you an example how easy it is for men and women to fall into this trap of language let us imagine you get pulled over by the police okay you’ve been pulled over that scenario happens a lot what’s the first thing that comes out of their mouth it’s usually to try to offer to contract with you through a driving license or so on and so forth you innocently of course participate and as a result he just simply walks you into the various accusations that you read about which is means the plaintiff per you know the mercenary makes false accusations then expects you to defend yourself at a great cost the defendant has got nothing to defend himself because an accusation or a claim has to be proven you understand this just as I have explained it to you in addition to this in this country for example if you are stopped on the left hand side in this country we do it on the left hand side of a road a police officer or policeman that wishes to issue tickets for a corporate enterprise to raise money as it were will say to you and it’s not innocent he’ll say to you why have you parked here it’s not a good place to park and when you reply saying oh I’m just answering my cell phone or just adjusting my seat or whatever he’s going to give you a ticket because what he has accused you of which you so innocently have accepted as being an innocent word because you never think of a police officer or a judge or a politician to talk lies with you would you understand parking means that you have put your hand brake on your parking brake on and are now preparing to leave your vehicle or have left your vehicle that’s what it means that you’ve actually left your car your vehicle transport you know your conveyance your travel whatever it’s called your carriage whatever you call that’s what he’s basically said and that’s a language trick but if you said to him oh no I’m not parked constable I’ve actually stopped here that’s an entirely different thing because as a driver you have a judgment called judiciary judicial awareness you know judicial service that’s what a judge is it’s ability to judge that’s what a driver is you park you stop on the left to do what you need to do because that’s what you need to do and that of course is never in question and nobody can give you a parking ticket or a violation of any of that nature it’s in the words why am I telling you this this innocent word that you roll out of your mouth in a pre-corona period not now now that you’ve listened to me that word that you were innocently rolled out like parking means totally different to what you think thought it meant just as we need to as a people get together and pass acts to protect our rights you just cancel yourself out in the corona period as a planet potentially judge I will be the educator on this planet as well as the other judges the mortgages are hours to deal with because in the corona period not any one of yours can have a death pledge in place because you’ve been birthed successfully and the mortgage companies all over the world know this the privateers like the George bush family and their legal fictions all know this they know that we’re coming after them okay now the federal postal court federal postal court and its judges and its staff all over the world I’ve made sure of that that they have these types of knowledge now that you’ve heard about this and you are free to email us about it yes you are but don’t ask us to do it for free for you don’t ask us to do this and that for you every single time I’ve put the information out there and in the corona period you pay your own way I have and the judges and staff been doing this at incredible cost to ourselves because of this we’ve conducted ourselves in manners and in ways that is breathtaking in many ways I look back at what the judges have done what David-Wynn Miller has done and the things that they had to go through to bring this about even though they had people like russell jay gould leighton ward uh monty muller who’s they are all nobodies who lived off a kind man like david wayne miller that’s what he was it was a wonderful kind man we even had people that we were we even had people that we was helping for free tried to steal things from david wayne miller this sort of conduct would just become part of zero tolerance amongst men and women as somber as this is it should be a celebration and I wish I could explain it to you as a celebration but as I look back you know 12 years of my life what I need to go through to get to this point oh wow and to think some people like my little baby brother and david wayne miller never made the journey through this period okay so in this sense for david wayne miller my little baby brother was called solomon and so many of the other people like the judges of the lands uh alex and hugh and irene and stuff like that and those people that are my website and the ones are also coming up through training and etc you know I think to myself and I think wow the amount of effort that men and women have put around the world to successfully birth us into this period you know I look back at the shanghai corpora the shanghai cooperative co-operation I can’t pronounce it properly but it’s a cooperative okay the technologies that they’re going to be bringing out when I did the presentation about the cell phone and the computers the what I was referring to and I thought and I’m sorry about it I thought you guys all knew about it already yes it is the quantum chip that we are talking about you know it’s like having like 1890 computers running simultaneously in three dimensions that’s what that quantum chip is going to do okay so that’s the technology that is coming your way in in other Asian countries it’s coming in the next like two three months in this country America it’ll be coming out towards the end uh you Americans at the moment are about 10 years behind of these technologies because of what the Olympians did same in Europe and Britain you’re actually 10 years behind in technology that’s because you know of the principalities which will all become extinct but I want to make it very clear your mortgages are actually all null and void because a mortgage was created on a back of bureaucratically and on paper making you dead by 101 mechanisms okay like for example these groups you know like for the people act tick the black box you know black lives matter white south Africans all signing away their lives so uh sorry I forgot to show you that yeah that’s what I was referring to so I think I’ve said what I needed to say and as you guys know I don’t use a script because I’m not an actor I don’t script any of these things when I’m on my pla on the podium that’s a geometric level playing field I script and none of these things I just have bullet points and the things that I need to educate you guys about okay that’s how I work there are no scripts for me because I’m not an actor okay now the tricks and traps student university students this is the message for you I need you to conduct some interviews for me okay so you can interview me so I can speak about what is to be expected from here on with the corona period the reason why I need this is because the dialogue that you provide allows me to answer those things which I can’t think up yeah for me you know these things are very simple to understand but for me to explain it sometimes I’ve jumped the gun a lot you know it’s like instead of taking one run one step of a run on a ladder I’m like bypassing three or four as a result people you know are missing out on some of the run so that’s why that’s why I need that from you guys okay when I say guys I’m talking about all of yours so for the tricks and traps university students make contact with me and you know do those uh talks with me so the world can see what lengths and breaths what length and breadth of knowledge that you have on the back of your own studies as well as through the university and how much you’ve progressed okay now I’ve got two projects Chicago island to sort out okay and then after my time will be a lot more freer in mental energy and as a result I won’t need too much of your help as tricks and trap students okay so for the time being while I’m going to be busy get those interviews done with me so I don’t need to keep thinking about it and generating those things which I think the people need to know that should come from you now okay so contact me for those interviews as for Ireland I told you have been you was given a choice whether to lie steal or participate tell the truth and get on with drive you know enjoy life he was given the plethora of options but you chose to lie you chose to steal that has consequences and you’re going to live out those consequences same in the US and everywhere else Chicago it takes not it won’t take much effort to put you back in and you are not a rogue state okay your judiciary can be hung by the neck you bloody better behave yourself okay the evidence is piling up and you cannot escape it there’s nowhere for you to go to the rest of the people that are listening to this welcome to the corona period it’s going to be fantastic to see that wonderful glow all over your body all over the world congratulations dear audience. 直到下一次。

[总: 1 Durchschnitt: 5]



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