3980 - Illegal Constitutions - Example Australia
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Anna von Reitz on Jan 22, 2023 AD
Translation into the German mother tongue by :andre. For education, acquisition of skills and further education of the general public. Spreading from person to person is desired.
As always and everywhere, the same applies here: ..believe nothing, check everything & keep the best.
We have been taught to defend, honor and protect our constitutions.
It's the same all over the world.
But what exactly is a “constitution”?
A constitution is an obligation agreement, and an obligation agreement can exist in any common jurisdiction. So what does that mean?
A constitution is an agreement in which one party agrees to provide goods and/or services and another party agrees to pay for those goods and/or services.
In the international jurisdiction of jurisdiction - where our original federal constitutions stand - constitutions take the form of common law treaties and are made between competent sovereign governments - known as "principals". Constitutions are more binding than treaties. Hence the priority clause and the well-known formulation “Supreme law of the country”.
In international maritime jurisdiction, constitutions take the form of corporate charters established by sovereign governments as contractors for government services. This is a very different and lower type of "constitution", although technically it is still a commitment agreement.
The federal constitution of 1787, known as the "Constitution of the United States of America," is more binding than any treaty ending a war. But the 1868 document entitled “The Constitution of the United States of America” is a corporate charter for government service subcontractors — a different kind of “constitution” under a different legal form and jurisdiction.
One constitution applies on land, the other “constitution” applies at sea, but both are binding agreements.
Most people don't know the difference and it has never been explained to them. Nor were they made aware of the difference between contracts on land and contracts at sea.

This has led to endless confusion and endless abuse and crime.
While a land jurisdiction is enshrined and difficult to circumvent, the “constitution” of a sea jurisdiction is inherently mutable and based on nothing more than a private corporate charter. A constitution on land is legal and a constitution at sea is legal - but the rules and legal forms are different.
When a “constitution” of sea jurisdiction is secretly replaced by a constitution of land jurisdiction, the guarantees owed to the people by the constitution of land jurisdiction are lost; both the legal form and the general jurisdiction are changing. . .and those responsible for it don't say a single word about it.
This is what happened in our country and in other countries around the world. Let's take Australia as an example.
Australia - meaning the organic land and soil we know as "Australia" - was doing well as a country. However, it has also been defined as a nation of the British Commonwealth.
A country is different from a nation. A country has land and soil, rocks and trees, airspace and coastal waters. A nation is made up of the people who live within the borders of that country.
The British Commonwealth as a whole suffered many setbacks in the 19th century and also had many capital expenditures, which resulted in member "nations" becoming impoverished and indebted to each other and to other non-Commonwealth nations around the world.
Most of these nations were indebted to the United States and failure to make their payments led to the bankruptcy of the Scottish trading company trading as United States of America, Inc. (1868 to 1907) and a collapse with a domino effect leading to the Led the Great White Fleet, which sailed the seas from December 1907 to 1909.
The Great White Fleet essentially sailed around the world to collect debts and impose new "constitutions" of maritime jurisdiction on bankrupt state service companies in Australia and elsewhere.
As a result, a new, foreign and, as far as the Australian populace was concerned, unauthorized governmental company succeeded it, conducting its day-to-day governmental services under a new maritime jurisdiction 'constitution'. Australia, Inc. was born — backwards, under conditions of deception and concealment, but born nonetheless.
The constitutional monarchy guaranteed to Australia and the Australian people - and the constitution that defines it - still existed on paper but was repealed in practice without a sound or notice to the Australian people.
Australia, Inc.'s "Constitution" became the "functional law" for the company's employees, who gratuitously imposed their rules, codes and obligations on everyone else.
Instead of functioning as a country populated by a nation of free people, Australia began to function as a foreign trading company dominating a landmass and everyone who lived there was "presumed" to be an employee or dependent of this foreign government service company. Thus, none of the original constitutional guarantees were owed.
In this way, the identity of the Australian people was redefined. His constitutional guarantees were circumvented and his rightful government overthrown - all without a shot being fired and without anyone knowing what was going on - except for a few schemers.
The same was happening in America in the years immediately after the so-called Civil War, and the creeping cancer of corporatism spread from there around the world.
After World War II, further restructuring & debt redistribution occurred and Australia, Inc. transferred its civilian service obligations to AUSTRALIA, INC.
The unsuspecting Australian popu- lation was again “redefined” as local government franchisees without their knowledge or consent, and another “constitution” of maritime jurisdiction was imposed on them, creating yet another layer of legal harassment of the companies they were controlled by their actual constitution and their guarantees.
The corporations got away with it because nobody knew what was going on. She and the conspirators responsible shrouded themselves in a "mantle of secrecy" and only Mikey, Joey, Donnie and Alfie knew what was going on and how they carried out this fraud against the Australian people and created wealth and coercion for themselves.
They've racked up even more debt since World War II and got caught. So they tried to kill and/or maim their employees - who are in fact their primary creditors.
We have responded by demanding the liquidation of all these guilty corporations, the repayment of their debts as a credit to their victims, the punishment of all their officers, directors and where appropriate their shareholders, and heavy damages for each lost or disabled life.
It turns out that we—the living people, the employers of these organizations who have no natural right to exist, the customers of their services, their primary creditors, and the source of all value in the economic system they plunder—were not held in high esteem ourselves
We were viewed as expendable human resources by these ignorant cretins who dance around like two-year-olds with a hammer, tap their own toes, and then wonder why their fourth-quarter earnings are plummeting and screaming wah-wah-wah and thousands of employees dismissed, which only makes matters worse.
They are having fun. They think they created this world and have the right to destroy it. But actually we created this world and we created the corporations. We have taken care of their forms, statutes and bankruptcy protections and we can finish that too.
So a change in leadership is imperative and they have made provision for that as well. A plan that leaves the same nasty criminal elements at the helm after causing a terrible economic and social collapse.

This is what they THINK they can get away with: destroying everything, destroying the economy, destroying the social fabric, destroying the family, destroying the soil, polluting the water, killing most of the people and after they've done all this damage, they step up and say, “You see, you're incompetent and you can't manage anything yourself. We are here to save you."
And sadly, they might even get away with it if the rest of us don't take action.
Back to Australia - check out the latest edition of their "federal" plan: https://qpp.life/afra,
the "Australian Federal Relations Architecture", a structure of Australia's new enslavement system, designed by a "federal" agency with about as much power as Federal Express.
This whole problem takes place together in the jurisdiction of the air and the jurisdiction of the sea. They are mental constructs - corporations and corporations that have no natural right to exist and exploit the people they are meant to serve. You could call it a contest between the British Crown Corporation and the Vatican, a final power struggle between the Red Dragon and the White Dragon. And neither of them are from China.
Along the way, they set up all these narratives and distractions -- Joe Biden has a few of about eighteen billion sheets of top-secret security documents in his basement. Oh man. What color is the toenail polish Michele Obama is wearing today? Inflation, stock markets, border crises, food shortages, death and disease, environmental disasters—all are meant to be scary and distracting.
There is a hard core of people on this planet - a core that is not intimidated, that is not fooled and that keeps on top of things. This core group of people is growing.
Remember, if they're yelling and yelling and conjuring up one of their emergencies, that's there to distract you. It's there to distract your attention from what they're actually doing. So you don't see the actual crime.
When they send ugly, threatening, uncomfortable messages, that's your signal to sit back and contemplate deeply on the beauty of the natural world and the harmony of creation, and know that you are safe and forever a part of it all.
If they cause death and sickness, then know that your Father has the remedy. If they stir up hate and distrust, that is your signal for love.
It's your game and your planet, not theirs. All the lies in Satan's long history cannot overcome solid truth.
Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/illegalconstitutions.pdf
You can find over 3900 other contributions by Anna von Reitz for Enlightenment, Competence and Necessary Shift in Consciousness at the original English website provided and maintained by Paul Stramer for Anna von Reitz contributions: www.annavonreitz.com
You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz’s posts on the Telegram channel:


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