3208 Identity - The meaning and importance of identity and name.
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Anna von reitz

Published on June 19, 2021.

Translation into German mother tongue by: Stephan-christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my person is a civilian in land law with the duty of peace and outside of COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: do not believe anything, check everything and keep the best.


We have spoken many times about the fact that your name is not yourself. It is a possession, like a chest of drawers or a bicycle, given to you at the beginning of your life - but it is important to understand that you are nameless yourself.

You've just been given a name that you can use, like a bathrobe or refrigerator, to incarnate while you're here. You might as well be a Genevieve as a Jane or a Ruth or a Rebecca. It's a completely arbitrary choice your parents make whether you're a Joe, a Chad, or a Moon Doggy, or a series of initials like "RD".

For this reason, in legal terminology, a name is sometimes an appendage or utility or other description that suggests it is a tool because that is it.

As it is called in the CB radio, it is a "handle". It's a means of grabbing you in more ways than one, but more importantly, a name is being used too often to limit and define you and to pretend you're something else too.

Oh, so you're Joe, the garageist's daughter ...
Suddenly you are placed in a social caste: skilled workers.

And you instantly gain the prestige of Joe's entire family in the community, which can be good or bad.

With a little bit of identity you are suddenly the granddaughter of a preacher or a milkman, a famous engineer…. or a notorious criminal. The reputation and social class and the idiosyncrasies of your known ancestors cling to you like a coat of glue, and with it your nationality.

Suddenly your little you turns into an Englishman, a German, a Japanese, an Egyptian, a Greek or another nationality.

And the one size fits all race clings to us like a prison. You are black or you are white or you are…. I always thought it would be fun to paint myself with pink polka dots and see what they could say?

Would I have my own breed soon?
The rare Albino Pink Polka Dot Variant Caucasian, only caught once in the wild.

All of these boxes are quickly followed by boxes about age and guesses about people your age. You are five so this is you. You're ten, so that's you ...

And the economic status comes on top of that: you are poor, you are really poor, you belong to the middle class, or you are rich - at least from what your parents have amassed.

And gender. We don't want to forget that. You have to place yourself in one or the other category and subordinate yourself to it. Bring on the pink frilly pants for girls and denim overalls for boys.

Then there is religion. You are Catholic or Protestant, Muslim or Hindu, Buddhist or Wiccan or whatever, because those are your parents.

And politics too. You're Republican or Democrat, Green or Communist or Fascist, Socialist, Social Democrat - also, at the beginning, because that's what your parents assume.

All of this happens automatically without you being able to say anything yourself. You are just the object to which all these layers of "identity" are applied like so many layers of paint.

And there you stand now, ready to be showered with fear, shame, and guilt should you fail everyone else's expectations based on all of these layers of identity that have already been applied to you.

Do you notice something strange? You are not allowed to identify yourself.

From the day you are born you are not allowed to identify yourself.

You are meant to live your life in that cocoon of identity that is woven around you like a spider napkin, and if you don't wake up and question that, you will become that way and die that way.

Peter John Olafson, Norwegian, age 58, Protestant… .. Linda Sue St.Pierre, Canadian, 19 years, Catholic…. Almut al Fayed, Egyptian, 90 years old, Muslim…. Jaimie el Soria-Hernandez, 30 years old, Spanish….

That can be comforting, but also paralyzing. Slavery is when you experience things that are determined by others, and so it is easy to see that we are all enslaved to a greater or lesser extent from the moment we get here, not to mention that even this superficial identity is being stolen from us by governments trying to redefine us as things: corporations, trusts, special purpose vehicles, ships, etc.

What should we, poor little beings, little divine sparks, do to defend ourselves against this onslaught?

Stand outside in the moonlight and look at the stars. Stand in the rain without a raincoat.
Lie down on the grass.
Observe grains of sand under a microscope.

Experience the infinite variety of life around you.

Feel the glorious truth that no one ever tells you, that you are all that and are more, and that you are loved more than you could ever know.

This is what you are, Nameless, Beloved, Liberated. Oh yes, take your life and your joy, and you are you and I am me, together.

Accept the wholeness of who you really are and forget the boxes and layers of identity for an hour. Laughs. Sings. Be amazed, because you are in the presence of miracles and you are a miracle yourself. Do not forget that.


Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/importanceofidentity.pdf

You can find over 3200 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the emergency-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz: www.annavonreitz.com .

Note: You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz's articles on the

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