3106 Anna von Reitz - Additional tasks and topics for The International Court of Justice - blood money 9 - 800 years of it.
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Translation into German mother tongue by: Stephan-christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my person is a civilian in land law with the duty of peace and outside of COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: do not believe anything, check everything and keep the best.


Oddly enough, it is likely that no one reading this has ever been paid for their work unless they have traded their work for a meal, or a car, or some other tangible good. Or they lived in Wyoming, where American silver dollars were used to buy groceries in the 1980s, and some small towns may still do that.

All most people have ever received for their goods and services is a promissory note from the corporations responsible for this: Federal Reserve Notes. Euros. Or some other form of blood money.

We were prepared to trace this situation back to the 1860s and the so-called American Civil War, but imagine our shock when we took possession of the bearer bonds that were used to generate and issue employment contracts (Miller Act in the United States , similar legislation elsewhere) - and considering that we have not yet "accepted" anything and will not do so unconditionally - we found that the debt has been running in the background like a computer virus for over 800 years.

There hasn't been an anniversary in over 800 years.

Instead, there was a persistent and ultimately self-destructive refusal on the part of the monarchs and the companies chartered by the various sovereign principals to actually pay their workers for their labor - and an endless repetition of the refusal of one side of the economic equation to owe their debts to the other pay.

So far, two world wars and countless smaller conflicts have resulted in many of the victims of this gross injustice - the actual primary creditors - being murdered millions of times, and the corporations responsible for this benefit in many ways from the loss of all these lives.

Let's examine how these corporations are profiting from the murder of their creditors, who are often also their employers:

(1) Most obviously, they don't have to repay debts to the deceased, and given the way they have run things in generation skipping trusts, they don't have to pay to the victim's children either. With the dead dead and the living skipped, the grandchildren are clueless of any inheritance, and the corporate robbers simply claim the victim's estate and any proceeds from it as ownerless property.

(2) The corporations come and claim all the abandoned houses and land that are left of their wars and profit from them themselves by using the proceeds as collateral for loans;

(3) They use the credits to clean up the chaos they created, and then charge the children and grandchildren of their victims for the costs of the credits and their own "services" to clean up the mess;

(4) They insure the victims and collect the life insurance, or, as it is called, "the life force value annuities" they collected from the dead;

(5) They take the profit they made by murdering their creditors and find a new place on the globe to do the same thing over and over again.

This has been going on in an institutionalized form since the English Civil War and in a less organized form under the Commonwealth system, all the way back to King John.

And here we are to put an end to it.

The key to ending this abusive corruption and this cycle of perpetual war is to deprive corporations of their pursuit of profit. There is no point in people fighting each other. Instead of killing each other and enriching these corporations, it is time that we, the living, the corporations let the ax feel at its root instead.

The following patents are mostly US property rights that serve criminal purposes against our civilian population and that have no significant useful applications to justify their existence; we therefore ban these and similar patents and confiscate them in the interests of our charter.

These unlawful patents aim to control certain individuals and thus the human population through various control signals, hypnosis and other “mind control” behavior changes and “behavior control routines”.

These patents aim to violate the universal law of free will and are the first of many to allow corporations to profit from criminal activities and protect these activities with patents without regard to the common good.

US20050079474A1 US20070052536A1 US2070084473A1 US20100021874A1 US3014477A US3060795A US3278676A US3393279A US3563246A US3629521A US3712292A US3884218 3951134A US4124943A US4315502A US4395600A US4699153A US4717343A US4777529A US4834701A US4858612A US4877027A US5134484A US5134484A US5151080A US5159703A US 5170381A US5221962A US5224864A US5245666A US5270800A US5319735A US5330414A US5356368A US5392788A US5507291A US5774088A USXNUMXA

Similar patents related to the current virus hoax will also be deleted while the patent office's investigation continues.

We have heard that the perpetrators of this deliberately created virus "emergency" are hoping to take advantage of it themselves by claiming the victims 'estates, including the victims' physical bodies, by making claims at the cellular level resulting from the injection of induced mRNA and mRNA and DNA complexes.

These claims have already been ostracized in this country, but an even worse process is ongoing.

At least some of the perpetrators of the current vaccination promotion have set themselves the goal of sterilizing large numbers of people and, yes, murdering large numbers of people by violating and overriding their natural, generalized immune systems - and leaving the victims open for an uncontrolled infection by any passing pathogen or even a coronavirus variant that is not specific for the protein code on the “vaccines” that are misnamed and misrepresented.

This criminal plot appears to serve not only the aforementioned purposes of killing large numbers of creditors to these companies and reducing the population - a target of the Nazi eugenics movement since the 1920s - but also the claims process against the personal estates Speed ​​up victims by forcing them to sign a financial statement before receiving the "vaccine".

For the courts, let's demonstrate how this works.

Joseph Allen Clark, a man in his fifties who is unaware of his real estate, is asked to complete a financial report. He looks at his property in known terms and concludes that his net worth is $ 528.000,00. After he has made and signed this - as it turns out - false statement, this is taken as evidence.

He receives the injection and dies a few months later of opportunistic bacterial pneumonia, which kills him because his natural, generalized immune system has been suppressed by the "vaccine" that was maliciously injected into him.

His actual net worth is $ 42.004.560.087,09.

The perpetrators of this nightmare come in, present his signed statement of assets, the court pays out the $ 528.000,00 that he “claimed” - - and awards the rest to the criminal companies who engineered this whole circumstance as abandoned estates.

And what other choice do the dishes have?

The world's high courts are called to honor and enforce our liquidation order which confiscates the assets and contracts of these criminal government service companies and all those corporations in any way connected with that crime, including the World Health Organization, Inc, the Pirbright Institute , Inc, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Inc, Pfizer, Inc. and others known to have been involved in this nefarious treason and plot of murder of innocent people for the purposes of fraud, unjust enrichment, and avoidance of their own debts and material obligations .

Although much of the patent mischief has occurred in our global local jurisdiction as a result of the mismanagement of SERCO, Inc. a British conglomerate corporation that has also been wrongly allowed to serve as paymaster of our armed forces, we find that the focus of the virus is plan and Undeclared biological warfare ultimately associated with it is from Europe, not the US, and not America.

Most of the damage that is being done is centered in the countries of the European Union, including the UK itself, as this plan took shape long before BREXIT - where the drug companies shared the recipe for their vaccine among numerous nations and none at all Patent registration or serial number required for the final product. This not only leads to chaos and a lack of product control, but also to a complete breakdown in accountability for the results.

The millions of Europeans who can expect to die from a variety of diseases resulting from the violent suppression of their natural immune systems will have no one to blame and no right to compensation thanks to confidence in what they in good faith took to be their government - which in reality was nothing more than a grossly selfish and criminally misdirected, interlocking trustee board running commercial ventures in the business of providing government services.

And all of this madness is tied to what? The “national debt” that the same corporations ruthlessly accumulated as claims against their unsuspecting employers.

After all, you ran out of space. The numbers have become so astronomical compared to the actual "book" fortunes of the entire planet that no one in their right mind can understand the incipient damage these monsters have done or the long-term consequences, if not a miracle forgiveness happens.

Left to their own devices, all they could think of was a nasty and almost childish media-driven scam scheme to do what they have always done - kill their creditors and claim their creditors' assets as abandoned property and themselves for to pay for this so-called service. Again. The whole virus, vaccination, and immunosuppression regimen is just a slightly more sophisticated plot that is all geared towards the same goal.

If given its course, it will unfold over the same number of years as a conventional war and produce the same results - but without the dangers of a nuclear or scalar holocaust for the entire planet.

We propose to intervene, to prevent this man-made epidemic and to hold the corporations that did it accountable. Take away their profit motives.

Punish your officials and board members. Put the boot where the boot belongs.

We call on the world's highest courts to put an end to this 800-year rampage of criminal offenses, misrepresentations and mismanagement, and also to organize and begin an appropriate and necessary and long overdue re-education of lawyers worldwide.

Things could not have gone as far astray and alienated from real life as they have without the willing participation of the residents of downtown London, Temple Bar and the Inns of Court in these crimes and usurpations against them living people.

Although this is a private international matter, we want the certainty and the evidence. that the hired lawyers and the legal profession as a whole were brought back on line and made aware of their actual legal limits and their obligations to the living peoples of the world.

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/bloodmoney9.pdf

You can find over 3000 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the emergency-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz: www.annavonreitz.com .

You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz's contributions on the translator's Telegram channel: https://t.me/ Freiheitschmied

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