3094 Anna von Reitz - Further topics for the International Court of Justice - April 11, 2021 - Blood money 5.
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Translation into German mother tongue by: Stephan-christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my person is a civilian in land law with the duty of peace and outside of COMMERCE / Martial Law and Canon / Ecclesiastic Law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: don't believe anything, check everything and keep the best.


Yesterday we went into the details of the fraud and breach of trust that has been committed against every American by their own employees - a fraud and breach of trust that ultimately results in Americans being abused as things and treated as slaves by people who are us literally pulling the paychecks out of our pockets and taking them out of our pockets.

We are not alone. Many other countries face the same dilemma. The servants have appointed themselves masters and the instruments of government and the privileges of government to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of those they are employed to protect.

They even maintain the fantasy that their resources are not limited to today's generation, and that they have the power to indebt their employers' children well into the future.

This fraud and breach of trust was created and implemented by the government of Westminster and the Inns of Court organizations in central London and members of Temple Bar.

It is our American tradition to tolerate religions and to grant all (people) freedom of religion.

We do not believe in government interference in religious matters, but when an occult religion induces its members to kidnap children for use as sacrifices and harvest their blood to make addictive drugs, a line must be drawn and traded. If you are using sophistry to create a whole culture built on lies and trying to impose your imagination on others, then it is time to act.

It may be strange to think that such an ancient and profane religion has gained a foothold in the halls of science, world governments, and professions, but this religion purports to offer what many people in these professions want - enlightenment , Wealth and political power. So they are drawn to it like moths from the flame - and nowhere is this more evident than in the legal profession and downtown London, which served not only as the center of the global cult of money but also as the final official bastion of the Temple of Baphomet.

In assessing the current situation, we must note that there has been a long association of the legal profession with this religion, which goes back to ancient times.

The Gauls were priests of this religion, who in the second century BC BC came to Rome via Turkey and promptly became tax collectors for Rome. They were distinguished by their black hooded robes and the bleaching of their hair, a tradition carried on by British lawyers who still wear black robes and white wigs to this day.

The black robes were also adopted by the Inquisition.

As recently as the last century, aspiring lawyers in Scotland were called "devils" and given professional guidance on how to lie.

This religion also has a long association with sailors and the sea, and has always been popular among pirates. The practice by seafarers and pirates led to it being spread worldwide, and it has a following in the ranks of the naval forces / Navi der Welt to this day ... Followers of this cult have the Admiralty Act - “because, behold, Satan has fallen into the sea” - and also heavily influenced the British law of the sea.

Given this story, it is easier to understand why the first social and cultural institutions to be undermined and misdirected by the followers of this cult are the courts, the banks, and the navy. The same thing happened in Babylon, Greece, Persia, Carthage, Rome, Phenicia, Spain, and now in England and throughout the English-speaking world.

In each case, the same storyline is followed and the attack comes from the same sources - the lawyers, bankers, and naval officers who purportedly serve the nations they are in fact plundering. If they have taken it too far and the backlash comes, they move on like parasites to the next host nation - in this case to China.

It is time to drag this darkness into the light - the actual light - and openly deal with it once and for all, so that everyone in the world can finally see what the problem is and deal with it. We believe that once this is done, the Bogey Man will be exposed as nothing more than a coordinated effort by criminals to gain wealth and power, not much more refined and not much more sophisticated than anyone else Fraud that is simply being carried out on a large scale and deserves an equally large international response.

We've already explained how the Federal Reserve Note was created as a "blood money" currency based on the labor and intellectual property rights of living people, and we've touched on part of the reason why the mostly British masterminds who favor the great Fraudulent have both removed our American gold from our shores and deliberately undermined commodity-based monetary standards and currency standards in order to create risk-free opportunities for the governments, authorities and financial institutions involved to manipulate commodities.

Now that you can see how the “land of the free” has been transformed into the “land of slaves” by the guile and trust of the Westminster government and its minions, the many members of the “legal societies” and the lawyers employed by the British monarch - all trading under the influence of the ancient Babylonian money cult - you can also see the pattern of abuse and motives that lead to the tragedy that is unfolding on our southern border.

This crisis should be of eminent concern to the court and the people of the world, if only because it is so tragically the end result of commercial self-interests that mingle with government policies and lead to death, chaos and destruction lead for innocent people.

Urban society, implementing the policies of the United States urban government, is designed to intentionally create overwhelming and "eternal" debt. She creates this debt by never paying her bills and instead benefiting herself by misusing credit and spending money based on the credit of others.

To keep this scam going, they must either continually increase the number of new "citizens" to retain as property or continually decrease the number of their current senior creditors - the same citizens who are mechanics in their private capacity , Farmers, school teachers and so on act.

You will recall that in the example given yesterday, one of the actual privateers responsible for implementing this system admitted that the “person” was despised as a debtor and a non-being by Governor Bill Lee, but the royal subject, Bill Lee , was the lender - that is, in his mind the Queen was the lender for the "person".

However, the queen - in this country - is a service provider and trustee, not the sovereign, who is entitled to all rights, titles and interests. This role belongs to that of the American states and the American people, who willfully betrayed and in gross breach of trust and trade treaty violation of the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster, who have worked hand in hand, with the assistance and consultation of Vatican City State since 1937 and the government of the United States of America.

Now, turn your eyes to the southern border of the United States - not "the" United States, which has no border. More than a million people in Central and South America are on the way, and most of them think they are coming to America, the land of freedom and milk and honey, where there is food for and everyone to be owns a house and a car ... but when you get here you will instead be greeted by "the US" - a dirty, misguided, corrupt, profit-driven "government service provider" out to catch your live meat and you and register their assets as the property of the Company.

That's why Joe Biden has an "open door policy".

It has nothing to do with giving these people a chance for a better life, and certainly nothing with freedom. It has to do with per capita "appreciation" of relabelling a Honduran citizen of the United States. Our cows are first class property and fetch top prices in the market - Honduran cows not so much, but when you rename them and pass them off as American cows, they are suddenly worth a hundred times more than they are on the other side of the border.

Simple economy, but false advertising, and everything as illegal, immoral and unlawful as any level of hell.

We call on the International Court of Justice and all the other assembled nations of the world to look - really look - what is going on here. A self-serving European trading company pretending to be our government is “opening” our southern border - to accelerate human trafficking and the enslavement of potentially millions of people.

That is what is actually going on here, and it all happens under conditions of secrecy and fraud. If these people from Mexico and Central America had any idea that they were being recruited as debt slaves, then they would come here and send thousands of their innocent children through the toxic, polluted waters of the Rio Grande, believing they would be sent to a better one Send life?

While ostensibly advocating “human rights”, the lower courts of Europe, acting as extrajudicial tribunals, have backed all plans to forcibly vaccinate the entire population of European countries - an action that will result in the deaths of millions of Europeans in a few years. who have the right to expect good service from their employed lawyers, but the same lawyers are being misled by the scraps of Westminster and Rome and Vatican City, Bern and Monaco and “DC” - who are once again trying to deal with the books ) to juggle.

Remember, in order to keep their Uber-Ponzi scheme up and running, they must constantly recruit new "citizens", seize the assets of these innocent people, "securitize" those assets, and use those assets as collateral for their own loans. The process is no different from the identity theft and unjust enrichment that a credit card hacker practices. And if you cannot lie, cheat, steal from, deceive enough people, impersonate and (compulsorily personalize and) identify and infiltrate your system, everything falls apart.

Then they are forced to resort to Plan B and start another world war and kill millions of their creditors, something Joe Biden and his media conspirators are also promoting in the background. It is not enough to mutilate, poison and sterilize people using nanotechnology; they are trying to prepare the American public for a war against China, a war against Iraq, a war against Ukraine.

And what for? Bad ideas come home to get revenge?

It is high time all of this stopped and the perpetrators were brought to justice. The real government of the American states and people is alive and well in spite of the selfish lies of our federal subcontractors and their instruments running as commercial corporations in the business of providing government services.

All of the companies that have been incorporated in this country since 1870 have been illegally incorporated, and since they were incorporated on our behalf and through the unauthorized exercise of our sovereign ability to charter such organizations, their correction and administration and ownership ultimately falls to us to, and we are ready to make the necessary corrections - but we are unable to deal with the colluding corporations that were formed outside of this country and that exist as transnational corporations operating within our borders as criminal corporations.

We rely on the High Courts to recognize the clear and present danger posed by this criminal activity and the organizations that support it, and we have gone to the International Court of Justice, the Vatican Chancery Court and the Court of the Lord accordingly High Steward asked to investigate, prosecute and correct those companies operating in international and global arenas involved in the illegal live meat securitization, people smuggling and unlawful conversion of assets, impersonation and barrage and all of the other evils associated with the double-ended imitation scheme designed to create the worldwide appearance of insurmountable debt, largely, but not entirely, owed to the American people in the form of prepaid credit.

We call on the other nations in need of debt amnesty and forgiveness to lift their heads and gather together and recognize that we are only contributing to this crime by being manipulated into wars that benefit the same vermin that benefits is responsible for it. This is not about politics, religion or race; it deals exclusively and explicitly with organized crime and criminal activities that take place in international jurisdiction - crimes and activities that require international action to stop and combat them.

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/bloodmoney5.pdf

You can find over 3000 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the emergency-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz: www.annavonreitz.com .

[“Note: doesn't that seem very familiar to us? Isn't that the same commercial fraud scheme as it was here in Germany and the EU in 2015 and 2016?

Only that now the global mass murder of creditors and creditors is still going on ...

Here, too, we humans have to make our common contribution to ending all these crimes against humans and humanity if we want to be able to look our grandchildren in the eyes.

We owe it to ourselves and to them. "]

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