COVID-19: The Great Change
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With its appearance, Covid-19 has brought the previous governance of the countries, our coexistence and the global economy as a whole upset. Covid-19: The Great Upheaval is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how the novel coronavirus could wreak so much destruction and suffering, and what changes are needed for a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable world.

The book offers worrying, yet confident analysis. Covid-19, the greatest health threat of the century, has caused enormous economic damage and exacerbated existing inequalities. The power of man, however, lies in his vision, ingenuity and, at least to some extent, the ability to take destiny into his own hands and plan a better future. This book shows us where to start. Professor Klaus Schwab is the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. He is the author of several books, including The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and a longtime advocate of “stakeholder capitalism”. Thierry Malleret is a managing partner of Monthly Barometer, a concise, predictive analytics. He is the author of several books on economic and scientific subjects and has published four novels.

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YOU will expropriate all people, no house, car, smartphone, etc. will be YOUR property.

YOU will own everything and divide it up as you want, only those who are in line with the system get what.

When YOU serve YOUR system you will be rewarded.
Depending on your position in this society, YOU are entitled to a house, apartment, or even just a mass accommodation if YOU are not on the line.
So it will be with all things, house, car, smartphone and food, which will also be divided into healthy and factory-fed.

Marriage and children, only if YOU are on the line.
YOU are sick you need a doctor, only if YOU are on the line.
YOU want to go to football on the weekend, only when YOU are on the line.
YOU will intervene in all matters of YOUR life.

Does that make YOU happy?

Source: FB

One should think twice about the meaning if a person should have no property. I come into this world with nothing and I leave with nothing. The only thing I have options: I can inherit and / or inherit something. Family is very important there. A legacy can also be knowledge, tradition, culture.

If nothing more is to belong to you now, what more are you than a soulless bio-robot?

As property, I then also refer to intellectual property, my creativity, my talents. Everything that creation has given me on the way.

If an elite now also seizes this property, then they also claim to have changed or improved the earth or the world. She controls everything according to her taste. And so we become property of someone again, we are again in fiefdom.

And if that happens, then only through us voluntarily. We are baited again with a carrot and we bite. Or not.

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