Symbolism of the Satanists
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In the past you could only see satanic things in secret, today it is visible through the crowd (who are not aware of it) to anyone who opens their eyes.

The cult has always conveyed its ideas and beliefs through the entertainment industry, mostly through symbols. The only devastating thing in the long run is that most of us are not paying attention to what is happening around us. All of these symbols need to be understood if we want positive change in society. The effect of decades of influencing this conversation can actually be observed.

You can see it especially in the change in our morals and values. That doesn't mean that the changes come through the symbols alone, but rather through the ideas to be conveyed. But if someone says he believes in God and shows a symbol that represents Lucifer or someone makes a Freemason logo and means Jay-Z's label, then that is a problem that has to be addressed in the long run.

Our morals and beliefs shape our society and it is these that are influenced by what we see, read and hear in the media. What seems perfectly normal nowadays was completely unthinkable not so long ago. We are told that this change is normal. But what if this change is artificially steered in one direction?

We have had a very slow and yet steady decline in our values ​​when it comes to things like: sex, violence, language, belief, etc. And that's only because of what is presented to us through TV films, sports, music and radio. We have been completely dulled on many things by the mass media.

Things that our grandparents found repulsive and inappropriate. So think about where we will be in 50 years? Do we then watch people die on television?

There is a wonderful example of all of this. Do you know the frog in the hot water? If you put a frog in a saucepan and the water slowly gets hotter, the frog won't notice it until it's too late. And this is exactly how it is with our society with regard to the instigation of the Luciferian beliefs. These are not imposed on us from one day to the next, but very slowly over two to three generations, so we do not even notice that this collective change is artificially promoted from outside. So we're sitting here in the biggest saucepan of all, called earth.


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