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There is no tax liability for residents of the federal territory
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There is no tax liability for residents of the federal territory
Democracy Truth Finding Investigative Journalism

The submitted legal (s) facts and the following justifications prove irrefutably that the BRiD-Treuhand was not and cannot be the German Reich, because that is conceivable, practically and legally impossible, which is why it never awarded Reich membership.
In this respect it is also not possible to claim that the BRdvD Minister of Justice is at the same time the Reich Minister, as the application of the GVerfReglV of March 20.3.1935, XNUMX pretends.
It is also impossible that the BRiD-Treuhand can and may levy taxes for the German Reich. On the other hand speaks the fact that as part of the Allied amendments to the law in April 2006, numerous references in the BRiD laws to the Reich were simply deleted without replacement in order to erase the memory of this....!
The absolutely necessary territorial-spatial areas of application of the GVG, the ZPO and the StPO were then also deleted by deleting §§ 1 EGGVG, EGZPO and EGStPO - entry into force - because the entire Reich area was specified there.
In any case, there are definitely no longer any limits* for illegal and unlawful changes..! The criminal organization is out of control.
And as is well known, the* are still internationally recognized for the German Reich within the borders of December 185, 116, even according to BBG § 1, as well as according to GG Art. 31.12.1937 (XNUMX).
The addressee must also take a de jure position on the following if he wants to prove the legal basis for tax collection in favor of the Federal Republic in Germany:
a) Impact of the lack of territorial-spatial scope on GG and tax legislation in the Federal Republic;
b) Effect of the impossibility or violation of the citation requirement in the Basic Law and in the tax laws;
c) Missing tax liability for the Federal Republic in the Basic Law
d) nullity of incomprehensible and unclear or unclearly worded laws;
e) Invalid legislation due to election fraud and election fraud in the Federal Republic;
f) Admissibility of invoking tax refusal according to the right of resistance Art. 20 (4) GG, because of genocide against the German people, the nationals of the German Reich with direct Reich affiliation, high treason and international crimes by the rulers of the Federal Republic in Germany.
In this respect, the following repeated and in-depth lectures on the legal situation cannot be completely hidden unlawfully and in abusive manner and would have to prevent a decision made in prohibited contradiction in accordance with the rule of law..!
Therefore, reference is made to the reference to Jarass/Pieroth, GG, 9th edition 2007, Article 105, paragraph 2, which must be known to every tax official and judge, which reads as follows:
The possibility of taxation in relation to the citizen is tacitly assumed by the Basic Law (BVerfGE 55, 274/301)..!
De facto proof has been provided that the Basic Law does not declare any tax liability. Tacit prerequisites to the detriment of others without their knowledge of the silence are generally inadmissible..!
Also In Pfennig/ Neumann – Berlin Constitution – 3rd edition, page 581, can be found:
The VvB is next to the SaarlVerf. (Article 105 IV) the only constitution that repeats the general proviso of the law for encroachments on the freedom and property of the citizen (see Article 59 I, (see VerfGH LVerfGE 1, 131)) specifically for the collection of taxes and duties. .
However, just like the other de jure not valid state constitutions, it does not go into who is entitled to legislative or tax revenue sovereignty, but tacitly assumes the regulation of the Basic Law in this respect.......§
Therefore, the cited decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of 1955 is merely an irrelevant expression of collaborators for an occupation dictatorship, which, under the Hague Land Warfare Convention, takes into account the Weimar Constitution, including the RAO, where it arbitrarily suits it.
But even that would prohibit new types of taxes and ever higher taxes.
By repealing the RAO from 01.01.1977/XNUMX/XNUMX for the Federal Republic there is also no reference to the
Weimar Constitution on Art. 134 on the Hague Land Warfare Convention more..!
After all, the Federal Republic of Germany has been a sovereign state since October 03.10.1990rd, XNUMX, which is actually incorrect.
It must therefore allow itself to be clung to this deception and therefore no longer has a right to levy taxes in accordance with the rule of law according to the Basic Law, because no occupying dictate could continue to declare the Hague Land Warfare Convention - openly still for Germany in a state of war - as binding and enforce it..!
Legal justification:

Furthermore, a unilateral tacit requirement can only be upheld as long as one does not at least tacitly oppose it.
The party hereby declares that it would never have agreed to an implicit assumption of a non-binding, legally clear and clearly comprehensible taxation option and expressly refers to what it considers to be malicious deception by the Federal Republic of Germany's tax authorities in tax collection in order to presume a prevent tacit consent to tax liability through implied action.
This also excludes a statute of limitations for the already raised and repeated reclaims of all taxes paid by her to federal republican administrative structures that have not been legitimized since at least 1977.
According to a working hypothesis and the public statement of the so-called Federal Government – ​​which is de facto only a management – ​​the Basic Law still applies, but it does not reveal any tax liability.
In addition, the irrefutable and obvious facts were and are presented, among other things, that the concept of tax is not defned in any article of the Basic Law, no taxpayer is named and no condition is declared under which tax would have to be paid to the Federal Republic.

This entry was posted on May 21, 2014 [] under The Germany Lie.

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