Update: mRNA or graph?
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Spanish researchers examined the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found that it contained 99 percent graphene oxide and little else.

There is virtually NO evidence that this "vaccine" is gene therapy. There is ZERO genetic material: mRNA or DNA or spike protein. That is, this “vaccine” has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product was not designed to avoid infection caused by a virus. The real purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statement has been made from any government or health facility. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to stop the global vaccination program.

Comment from E (on Gab):

The combination of 5G, slated to roll out globally this summer, and the graphene particles injected into hundreds of millions with the “vaccines” will be the next “virus”. Graph is in the human body magnetic and conductive and can even settle in the brain and affect neural transmissions. It also amplifies the received frequencies and acts as an antenna.

The President of Chile himself has stated that 5G will change and recognize the minds of the population and change their behavior. This requires the graphene antenna, which acts as a receiver and transmitter of information from the brain.

Full article here: https://coronistan.blogspot.com/2021/07/breaking-statt-mrna-gentherapie-fast.html

About graphene oxide: https://www.konjunktion.info/2021/07/graphenoxid-der-stoff-hinter-der-plandemie/

Graphene oxide again: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328338305_Graphene_Oxide_Touches_Blood_In_Vivo_Interactions_of_Bio-Coronated_2D_Materials

... and so it is really conceivable:
Instead of the reports about "genetic changes", which are also constantly claimed by alternative media, from my point of view so not as wellSo is it a lethal injection with graphene oxide? In any case, it actually turns into a shoe, because this substance is electrically conductive - our life now takes place in a microwave “thanks” to WLAN, WiFi, Bluetooth and 3G, 4G, 5G.

When the appropriate button is pressed, the sheep are cooked

5 minutes illustrated how the C-Hoax works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZa4qAYzz2U

Source: CW


☝️👉🏽 UPDATE: GRAPH OXIDE in PFIZER-SHOT & new information on the effect of GRAPH OXIDE

It has already been shown that magnetism is not a myth in at least some vaccinated people (in study 29/30).
???????? Link to the study by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance

GRAPHEN nanoparticles in PFIZER-Genshot
✅ PFIZER-Shot most likely consists of 99.99% GRAPH OXIDE (747ng graphene oxide / 6ng mRNA).
Restriction: preliminary results of the microscopic examination (not sufficient), chemical examination will follow.
👉🏻 Link to the article

✅ 1. All vaccines are made using the same nanotechnology. In Spain this was even referred to as “secret nanoparticles”. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. If they stay in a sub-zero environment, they will remain non-magnetic. [Why are they freezing the vaccines?]
👉🏻 Link to the "Nature" article

✅ 2. These particles must consist of a nanotechnological material called GRAPHEN, which reacts superconductively and highly integratively to neuron cells in the brain:
👉🏻 Link to the article in "Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience"

✅ 3. The European Union has invested one billion euros in a project called "The Graphene Flagship":
👉🏻 Link to the "IEEE Spectrum" article

✅ 4. The non-genetic light-induced remote stimulation by weak laser light emitting nanoparticles (GRAPHENE!) Can specifically influence the cellular electrophysiology and neural activity of neural cells (brain cells)!
👉🏻 Link to the article on Pubmed

✅ 5. GRAPHENE's molecules can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode at various radio frequencies (5G COULD be one of them); they can map the brain and remotely send and receive INSTRUCTIONS:
👉🏻 Link to the article (article no longer available)

✅ 6. The human immune system reacts to graphene oxide as it does to other pathogens (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and can thus potentially trigger symptoms similar to COVID-19.
👉🏻 Link to the article

✅ 7. These were never “vaccines” against a virus, but all along it was a secret nanotech project (BrainSORMS = Pentagon funded) designed to reach and control the brains of the human population. At 42.6 GHz, the 1.2 nm long nanoparticles go into resonance and can increase brain activity. (as of now we don't know if they can modify DNA via 5G). People have already been through GRAPHS in masks, PCR tests (Nanoparticles destroy the sense of smell), (Chemtrails?), Flu- and Covid vaccines magnetized.

✅ 8. The GRAPHENE symbol consists of three Hexagrams

✅ 9. GRAPHEN could be flushed out of the body naturally because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that appears to break down graphene molecules. Surprisingly, drinking alcohol or even tobacco can help increase this enzyme. That is why they want the population to be vaccinated every 6-12 months and on an empty stomach.

✅ 10. The interaction between GRAPHENE in vaccinated people and 5G could result in a fatal event if 5G is fully activated in July 2021

👉🏻 Conclusions without references by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


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