Destruction of Freemasonry by revealing its secrets
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In his work, published in 1927, Erich Ludendorff reveals a system of conspiracy, infiltration and intrigue between international Freemasonry and the governments of this world. Using Germany as an example, Ludendorff leads through the politics of the lodge world and offers deep insights into the worldview of Freemasonry. Several excerpts from internal lodge writings, correspondence between Freemasons and information from traitors within Freemason societies give the image of a global organization that has been pulling the strings of international politics for a long time and striving to create a “world state under Jewish rule”. Ludendorff is particularly “horrified” by the numerous Masonic rituals and secret identification marks, which he describes in detail in his work. A unique insight into the zeitgeist shortly before Hitler's seizure of power with current relevance.

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